PvP Feedback
" Not sure if sarcastic It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" I'm not It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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" Yo, close this thread. PvP is balanced, Hege said so. A shield + evasion + 8k ES + main attack that ignores block,molten,tempest,stops movement skills, can be thrown, attach ranged spells, 1 hit kill and allows you to turtle = PvP looking pretty solid already, no need to change a thing. IGN: MullaXul
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2 hand sword jumping in you with leap slam and use cyclone and stunning you droping your life to zero while you can do a thing coz your caster and have no Armour in your defense so what will be the best counter? ofc its molten shell, there is no other counter even block will do shit against block nodes and block reduction gem however, molten shell can't be usefull against crit dagger neither crit puncture ranger>>> conclusion in molten shell (its fine) Crit flickers or Ranger puncture can be countered by (Evasion + acrobatics + block) however u will be life based so u r not choas immune (Evasion + acrobatics + block) can be countered by RT 2 handed sword with block reduction + Poison arrow + RT Explosive arrow. RT 2 handed sword with block reduction can be counterd by molten shell etc,, RT Huge Life Pool Explosive arrow ( no counter I think, if u can help me finding counter i will be happy :p) so again the loop return to start each build got its counter some skills are truly OP but some they are just fine (gears may make them OP), never think u can beat everyone in pvp or arena Its just a game for fun :p (the whole PVP system depends in gears and gears alone the better gears the strongest pvp playesr) Good Luck and have FUN Its Just A Game Last edited by alshabibi7#7881 on Nov 16, 2014, 12:59:39 AM
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If you cannot counter 2hander without molten, your caster is built wrong. Complaining about stunned? That's way easier to counter with unwavering/eye of chayula, than there is to counter molten shell.
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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Im pretty confused as to why my suggestions about changing the level tier of The Decorative Axe, in order to replace The Arming Axe, because the Arming Axe is lvl 25, and Decorative is lvl 29 (One handed axes) turned into an argument about 2h weapon balance. (Page. 23)
I know the decorative axe seems like a crappy tier tho, due to the low attack speed, but it is more the feeling of variety in weapons and more twinked out chars being possible. VZ58s Dire Hunger axe has been on indexer for ages, and I dont think many people would go for 1H axe, except for those few people that like the style and the feeling of it, which is why fucking VZ58s Dire Hunger Axe is the only decent axe that shows up. (In standard) Naturally the Decorative Axe, if it would be lowered, should have the highest DPS possible of all the 1h weapons, at the cost of attack speed/crit/pen that daggers/sword have. Im not trying to make everything sound playable. (Forexample Sceptres, they just wont be fun to play in LLD because they suck THAT hard that it is FRUSTRATING to try out.) But with a 1H axe with the highest dps possible, it could really make for a fun build. Not the best build of course, but still better than Sceptre and other useless crap that is absolutely frustrating to try out, and it will also add more variety. |
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I'm pretty confused too. Like why its taken 2 years to possibly address stupid shit like Molten Shell. Why low level takes precedence over real PvP. Why It's even being humored in the first place, its like super smash brothers in the FGC. Why games now a days can't have Pking. Why bastard geared magic finders from Diablo 2 using wirt's leg in one hand, a 2h sword in the other and a chipped topaz socketed breast plate are calling the shot around here. List goes on and on, I'm a pretty confused guy. Good luck with your pre mature fetus level PvP concerns and your "competitive" scene though. Snail racing has more depth and competition.
IGN: MullaXul
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Suggestion had nothing to do with bashing HLD either, just about having a decent, new build for the LLD community since there is potential for this if base lvls got changed. I didnt say that the other problems did not matter... Anyways everyone apparently just wants to play dagger and sword and say fuck all other items, which is apparently a mentality that makes my suggestion seem "pre-mature". GJ trying to add variety. Screw "The Competitive Scene". |
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MullaXul's addition to these forums is just constant whining and crying.
Yes, we know that two-handers are weak. Yes, daggers(crits) are stronger than non-crits. Yes, we know that you dont like LLD because you are elitist. So please stop bothering everyone with the same shit over and over again, thanks. ...„kokot“, „piča“ a „jebať“. Tři důvody, proč mám rád slovenštinu. - najlepší český výrok 2014
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My suggestion was not about 2H Weapons. My suggestion was not about bashing HLD. My suggestion is not about raping cows or blowing up houses etc, so please dont claim that it is. Is the suggestion rly that bad? ... So does anyone even have an opinion on my suggestion/an opinion about the arming axe being too low lvl... If not imma stop posting and bothering with this rather minor topic. (Unless someone claims that my suggestion is about raping cows.) I am very aware that it is a minor topic which is prob. why MullaXul gets angry, I just see some good potential in changing the lvl for decorative. |
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