Summoners in pvp arenas.

Level 28 PvP is a whole different thing than high lvl PvP.

On high level PVP, pure summons are useless you lose the zombies quiet fast and there aren't enough corpses to revive and then you either have to take hits the remaining time or run away.

On level 28 summons can deal quiet some damage to glasscannon builds but that's all.
Shuria wrote:
Though this thread if fairly old I'd like to post my feedback too.

Play a Witch summoner with minion instability and I'd say it worked pretty well during lvl28 PvP. Yes they die pretty fast but that's the point. Against melee opponents they're effective because of instability(zombies and spectres gems are useless of course).Against ranged opponent they're used as a distraction while you use offensive spells and the minion speed gem does help a lot.

I think it all depends on what support gems you use to enhance your minions.I used faster cast + minion speed and that allows me to summon 8 skeletons per 2 seconds to harass any enemy.

My summoner is based around FCR. I use FCR support gem. FCR gear and max FCR passives so that i can summon skeletons faster. I also have the haste aura. FCR is underrated for a summoner in pvp imo.
crab97 wrote:
i use skelly totem of course, u dont have time to summon 12 skeles manually

If you have alot of FCR then this is actually very possible. Then you can use your totem for something else.... Frost Wall forexample. (For crowd control.) Or maybe just a ice spear totem.

what's FCR?
from Italy
D2 term for faster casting.

And if the enemy got Faster Casting or Faster Attacks it's the same thing again.
the big problem in pvp as a summoner is you simply don't have enough time to summon ur zombies/auras ect I usually can only get like 3 zombies up b4 the enemy is on me...especially when they realize ur a summoner its shorter
Has anyone tried linking a summon skill with a life leeching gem? Does summons attack leech life to the summon creature OR to the player casting? Ghost reaver key stone and high energy shield could work well, IF, the casted summons damage returns their hits to your energy shield. Also enough agility to use whirling blades can add mobility, or lighting warp. Auras..?

also on another note has anyone seen if conduit key stone, and using frenzy with a wand, will apply frenzy charges to your minions? just a thought

also whats the hit rate of minions, players with high block chance could negate a huge portion of minion attacks? there's no passives that increase minion chance to hit, unless you have a mod on your shield and use the keystone necromantic aegis. Also necromantic aegis can also be used to boost minion elemental resistances.
Last edited by ESJBeefyCurtains#3107 on Jan 19, 2013, 12:47:18 AM

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