Summoners in pvp arenas.

I've faced 2 summoner builds... and to say the least they were creamed by me, one match with a Ranged Ranger and the other match with a melee Ranger.

It feels as if summoner builds just can't operate well in the pvp arena, with weak summons and all.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
People saying summoners did good.

Are you sure these werent other build with summons as just something aditional?

Flicker strike full offense shadow with summons Or witch will all + magic damage passives that just has some summons as adition isn't realy a summoner you know.
I have runes, potions and total disregard of public safety.
i was pure summoner, i used 4 auras (will add another soon) 2 curses (tempchains,and enfeeble) only damage spells were coldsnap and frost wall
<3 exploding minions
pod11 wrote:
People saying summoners did good.

Are you sure these werent other build with summons as just something aditional?

Flicker strike full offense shadow with summons Or witch will all + magic damage passives that just has some summons as adition isn't realy a summoner you know.

Perhaps the Templar used summons as an additional thing, but the other character was a Witch with Minion Instability, so that was a pure summons build.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
crab97 wrote:
i was pure summoner, i used 4 auras (will add another soon) 2 curses (tempchains,and enfeeble) only damage spells were coldsnap and frost wall

How do you manage to summon al summons and 4 auras before getting destroyed and so that enemy dont kill summons while you have just a few?
I have runes, potions and total disregard of public safety.
Last edited by pod11#5817 on Nov 6, 2012, 6:33:35 PM
well, i only manage to cast 2 auras energy shield and cold damage aura then i place totem to defend and summon as many zombies as possible... enemy usually dies within 10 sec if they dont run
<3 exploding minions
So you basically kill him while summoning, but with other damage sourses than sumons...

What totem?
I have runes, potions and total disregard of public safety.
Last edited by pod11#5817 on Nov 6, 2012, 8:13:27 PM
Actually my HC Tanktemplar summon only draws all enemies. They can't kill me because I am a tank and I can't kill them because summons are easy to evade.

They really need a Turbobuff for PvP(attack speed not movingspeed since it got a gem and attackspeed gems barely increase the minionattackspeed)

Also remember that I talk about HC. HC builds are rather Tanky there aren't really glasscannon builds like in default, so it's common that it ends in a draw.

i use skelly totem of course, u dont have time to summon 12 skeles manually
<3 exploding minions
Though this thread if fairly old I'd like to post my feedback too.

Play a Witch summoner with minion instability and I'd say it worked pretty well during lvl28 PvP. Yes they die pretty fast but that's the point. Against melee opponents they're effective because of instability(zombies and spectres gems are useless of course).Against ranged opponent they're used as a distraction while you use offensive spells and the minion speed gem does help a lot.

I think it all depends on what support gems you use to enhance your minions.I used faster cast + minion speed and that allows me to summon 8 skeletons per 2 seconds to harass any enemy.
Last edited by Shuria#6836 on Dec 8, 2012, 4:41:41 AM

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