<ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - Oceania Guild (Australia, New Zealand, Asia)

1. Will you be exclusively playing the Hardcore Challenge Leagues?
If I am a suitable choice for the guild yes, outside of maybe practicing for first time bosses.

2. Is your PoE profile completely visible (including your Challenges and Characters tabs)?

3. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand, Asia or elsewhere?
Yes, from Victoria, Melbourne

4. Have you read the Guild Policies? Are you across our zero tolerance of RMT and cheating?

5. Are you 18 years of age or older?
Yes, 23 years old

6. Discord ID - e.g. PoEGamer#2013, optionally, you can PM this to Staff:

7. How do you pass your Trial?
enganging with guildies, talking in voice channels and text channels.

8. What happens when moderation isn't heeded?
Ace reserves the right to dismiss me at any time.

9. What are your aims and expectations by joining ACE?
I'm new to hardcore and somewhat new to POE in general. This is my first league. I'm having a lot of fun with the game and really enjoy it's complexity. I'm hoping to play and chat with people that enjoy the game too, that are available to chat with, share ideas, mess around with and that I can ask questions to, to get a better understanding of the game and enjoy it more.

10. General info about yourself (e.g. PoE accomplishments, gaming history, etc.):
This is my first POE league, I've mainly played softcore and have finished the acts, got to mapping and have a lv95 raider playing toxic rain. I'm really eager to play hardcore but think having a support base of a guild before attempting it is a great idea. I play plenty of other games and enjoy the ranked/teamplay aspect of it. I played GW2 and and played a lot of pvp back in the day reaching top 25 on the ladder despite australian ping, I use to play a lot of OW where I was a diamond player, getting back into it now and playing a bit of that too. Other than that just a uni study enjoying life. Look forward to chatting and hope I would make a suitable fit for the guild.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Will you be exclusively playing the Hardcore Challenge Leagues?
2. Is your PoE profile completely visible (including your Challenges and Characters tabs)?
3. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand, Asia or elsewhere?
4. Have you read the Guild Policies? Are you across our zero tolerance of RMT and cheating?
5. Are you 18 years of age or older?
6. Discord ID - e.g. PoEGamer#2013, optionally, you can PM this to Staff:

7. How do you pass your Trial?
Engage with the community, Love path of exile.
8. What happens when moderation isn't heeded?
Ace reserves the right to dismiss me at any time.
9. What are your aims and expectations by joining ACE?
A large hardcore community of Australians to share banter with and game with while im smashing my face into brick walls and rerolling after dieing once a week.
10. General info about yourself (e.g. PoE accomplishments, gaming history, etc.):
Started playing this league, have invested 573 hours into this game already, all HC.
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1. I'm new on the game, and I'm still not familiar with the hardcord as of now I am just playing on the league, im not quite sure if im not ready to play hardcore but i think in the future why not.
2. yes it is invisible
3. Asia to be exact im from Philippines
4. Yes
5. I'm 26
6. I can pm, If im welcome to the guild
7. I run it myself, though a lot of try :D
8. Sorry, Cant understand the question
9. my aim is to know a more information about this game, and to HAVE FRIENDS
10. I dont have POE accomplishments just want to play the game and have fun, I am a game so I play a lot of other game, MOBA, FPS, MMORPG, Card Games , ETC.. and just to inform you guys , I'm not good at my English so sorry for that :)
Who even still plays this game? Pfft.

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johnbeans wrote:
ACE is united by s****a. Join ACE to discover the hidden letters!

Literally! Bound! Stuck! Strong Adhesive! Not a deterrent! Join us and become one of the mass!
ACE is united by s****a. Join ACE to discover the hidden letters!

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