<ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - Oceania Guild (Australia, New Zealand, Asia)

Join ACE!
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
1. Will you be exclusively playing the Hardcore Challenge Leagues?

Yeah, I'm a newbie HC player, and a newbie POE player in general, but I'll be playing hardcore.

2. Is your PoE profile completely visible (including your Challenges and Characters tabs)?


3. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand, Asia or elsewhere?

I play on NA servers, hope that's not an issue. I know there will be limitations but I can't find an active HC guild for my region.

4. Have you read the Guild Policies? Are you across our zero tolerance of RMT and cheating?

I don't do RMT nor cheating.

5. Are you 18 years of age or older?


6. Discord ID - e.g. PoEGamer#2013, optionally, you can PM this to Staff:


7. How do you pass your Trial?

Being active in discord.

8. What happens when moderation isn't heeded?

Removal from the guild.

9. What are your aims and expectations by joining ACE?

I'd like to mingle and engage with people that play HC too. If the guild is active enough I'd be interested in trying to pass the trial. My expectation is to just be part of a community with common interests.

10. General info about yourself (e.g. PoE accomplishments, gaming history, etc.):

I haven't played much poe, played Delirium and killed Awakener 8 in softcore, then quit. I have many hours played in many games, the most recent game I played was MTG:Arena, reached Mythic rank.
1. Will you be exclusively playing the Hardcore Challenge Leagues?


2. Is your PoE profile completely visible (including your Challenges and Characters tabs)?


3. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand, Asia or elsewhere?

Yes, I'm in Thailand (Chiang Mai) at the moment, but usually spend about half of the time in Japan as well. I'm originally from Belgium, but I basically spend all of my time in Asia now.

4. Have you read the Guild Policies? Are you across our zero tolerance of RMT and cheating?

Read & Agreed

5. Are you 18 years of age or older?

I am 33

6. Discord ID - e.g. PoEGamer#2013, optionally, you can PM this to Staff:


7. How do you pass your Trial?

Be active on the discord server, using voice chat / messages.

8. What happens when moderation isn't heeded?

You get kicked from guild

9. What are your aims and expectations by joining ACE?

I have played PoE somewhat actively in the past. I have less time now due to work etc, but I would still love to play socially about 10h per week on a few evenings per week. Ideally I'd love to play with others in a party. I haven't started with Ultimatum yet, but I'm looking forward to get started.

10. General info about yourself (e.g. PoE accomplishments, gaming history, etc.):

I was somewhat active during Betrayal, Synthesis & Legion leagues, and basically only played HC or HC SSF.
My highest level characters became 86 and 83 before they ripped.
Other gaming history: My main game has been DOTA over the years, but I have experience with WoW and a bunch of other games as well.
ACE seriously has some of the best HC dudes playing PoE, might be biased, why not join and let us know if we're right or wrong?
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Are you a loser?
Then join us and stop being one!
Become a MEGA loser by joining us!
Apply now!
Account Name: easybin
Character Name: onemorestep

Country/Time Zone: Aus, NZ
Average Hours Played Per Week: 2-4 hours a day
Hey easybin, if you read through the OP and apply with the template we can proceed from there.
Last edited by johnbeans#6662 on May 6, 2021, 1:43:24 AM

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