Animate Guardian

Vipermagi wrote:
You're looking at the Skill description, which shows what the Skill Animate Guardian does. It does not list the amount of Life your Guardian has currently.

Any modifier on gear applies as per usual.

hmm, i read desc. from wiki
"Items that have modifiers like +x to Maximum life or +x% increased Attack Speed apply to the Guardian the same way they apply to player characters..."/c
why nothing change when i "replace" some equip item with better mod? life in this case. (
I see the life amount on AG change only with lvl gem, +2 helm, or with link minion life gem. It must increase when i animate item with more life.

sorry for my eng

As the other user said. You are looking at the skill description. It only tells you what the Animate Guardian has from using the skill. It will not calculate what item bonuses are given to the Animate Guardian.
For example, you don't see in your skill description, your Animate Guardian doing 50-100 ice damage when you give it a weapon that does 50-100 ice damage.

AG has agro like Leroy Jenkins ... I've learned to love it. Part of his/her/its charm I suppose. For the life of me, I can not keep one alive for any length of time no matter the gem levels, supports, or gear used. But again, part of the charm imo.

Like Zombies, Animate Guardian scales very well with level. So, you can put it on your +2 minion mod helmet along with your Zombie. You get weaker Zombies, but a better Animate Guardian. You can use something like Minion Life, Minion Damage, Raise Zombie, Animate Guardian. A level 19 Animate Guardian with Minion life has around 7000 life. Level 19 Zombies with same supports have around 5400 life.
Some quality of life is more required than any actual buff currently, especially with the new gem that recalls minions to your location allowing you to pull him back when he leashes too intensely.

I'd like the following please:

1: A way to see what has been equipped to the guardian. Considering that when appropriately used, the guardian survives for weeks at a time, you either must take notes on what it's equipped with, or have a good memory.
2: I'd like it to have a 'spectral body' so that you can see it even when it's not equipped with a full loadout of gear. Circlets and a few other items on their own make an essentially invisible guardian.
3: As with animate weapon: We really should be able to use this skill on unidentified gear. That way the Trash Guardian varient is far easier to create without hassle. Considering the items are consumed, this doesn't really provide the player with any benefit, even if it might require a technical rework (since we are aware you equip all these items to a Player Character model)
A scion may be born of the rich, and as such hold more opportunity...
but a scion will never be able to appreciate the finer beauty of those less fortunate.
when using necro. aegis, does AG doubledip from shields ? how is NA handled with AG?

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Vincendra wrote:
when using necro. aegis, does AG doubledip from shields ? how is NA handled with AG?
The Guardian has the stats of any shield it has equipped, as well as the stats of a shield you have equipped if you have Necromantic Aegis. This allows it the stats of two shields at once. some unique shields can be quite powerful when doubled up this way.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Vincendra wrote:
when using necro. aegis, does AG doubledip from shields ? how is NA handled with AG?
The Guardian has the stats of any shield it has equipped, as well as the stats of a shield you have equipped if you have Necromantic Aegis. This allows it the stats of two shields at once. some unique shields can be quite powerful when doubled up this way.
block chance is simply added up right? its not checking each shield separately?
(cheap option: Crest of Perandus. Max block, +bunchaLife, 3% Leech per)
Is it intented, that the AG gets deleted when entering a new instance without enough Mana?

(read: I had 98 Mana left after Aura reservation and my Guardian costs 254 Mana per cast (5-Link). When I change instances and I havent 254 Mana left (making me put off 1 aura everytime i change instances), my AG gets completly deleted.)

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Used him for a while from 40 to 50 or something. It did not die, so I cannot complain about its survivability. I fed it with quite some +life rares and got some minion life nodes. I know that those levels mean nothing but I thought I mention it anyways ...

However - I'd wish he was more... interesting. All he does is hack hack hack. It would be nice if he had some abilities on his own. He could pull mobs away from you with a hook. He could have an aoe taunt. He could use leap slam, which would fit his leeroy jenkins AI. Something ...

Also, as so many others said already, it really needs a paper doll where one can check its current gear.
Last edited by dyneol on Jun 26, 2014, 10:44:12 AM
Well, or this:
Tanathlagoon wrote:

2. It would be REALLY cool if you could socket gems into the items that you drop, and the guardian gets those skills. Would make the guardian incredibly strong, be a nice sink for all those extra gems in my inventory, and also give us something else to spend jewelers and fuses on

But I'd guess a handful static skills might be a tad easier to implement and balance.

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