Cast when Stunned

Wait, so the amount of health you have affects how long your blocking animation is/whether you have a blocking animation at all? I want to try this gem out but I'm getting really mixed messages as to what works and what doesn't.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
gilrad wrote:
Wait, so the amount of health you have affects how long your blocking animation is/whether you have a blocking animation at all? I want to try this gem out but I'm getting really mixed messages as to what works and what doesn't.

Yeah, I had never heard myself, about HP, having any effect on Block Stun Recovery, so I'm not too sure about that one. And my Block and Stun Recovery on the character I tested on, was at 55%, so if that low of an amount is enough to completely reduce the effect to zero, and as such not proc Cast when Stun, then the only real option for the gem, is to use it on characters that actually get stunned by mobs.
Ign: Desync
Last edited by Cig#3092 on Nov 14, 2013, 4:40:05 PM
hp and amount of damage taken are the only two things involved in calculating a stun.
a blocking animation also requires the player, or the hit thing, to block.

if your defense and hp is high enough, stuns/blockings might not happen.

duration is fixed unless taking "block and stun recovery" nodes/passives/mods.
the only bad thing is that when i cast a spell with this gem, it is targeted on top of my toon, and not casted on the mob who triggered the gem (the guy who stunned me), that would be better.
example: i want to cast cold snap when stunned, this works fine vs melee mobs, but when i facing a raged pack (archers) the cold snap is firing at my feets and the ranged guys are making fun of me.

pd:i posted this in bugs section cuz i think this gem should work just like cast on damage regarding to targeting, and also posted it here.
IGN: kjksdajk
Last edited by kjhgfdsa#6971 on Nov 15, 2013, 6:04:47 AM
I think that the targeting on this is broken.
I've tried it with cold snap and lighting warp, and they both cast in the same way regardless of what stunned me.
Namely, cold snap at my feet, and lightning warp to a nearby spot towards the top left of the screen.

So far, I'm liking it linked to 5 copies of Ice Nova. Finally a use for Ice nova!
I also think the targeting is broken, if I link frost wall, it is always cast under my feet, instead of targeting the mob which caused the stun.

Please fix the targeting.
Mark_GGG wrote:
darkel wrote:
Functionally, it needs to target the mob that stunned you.
It does this so long as that monster is a valid target.

it does not, it targets always on top of your character, no matter who stunned you. Bug?
IGN: kjksdajk
Okay so I really think this gem is broken if it's supposed to work on blocks as well. I'm not getting ANY triggers at all and I've got a 60% chance to block. Can a dev care to comment on what's going on here?
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
I tried linking two Immortal Call Gems in the same 4L as CWS and now neither gets casted, it seems. I almost killed myself trying it out :). Please, Mark, an answer?
gilrad wrote:
Okay so I really think this gem is broken if it's supposed to work on blocks as well. I'm not getting ANY triggers at all and I've got a 60% chance to block. Can a dev care to comment on what's going on here?

It would work only if the original hit would stun you so basicly you need to get hit for atleast 10% of your health ( that gives a chance for stun ) and then you have chance to cast something with cast when stunned.

If you want to test if it works go check on mercilles Kole or something like that , take a couple smashes to the face and see if it works - if you have high health smaller hits just won;t stun you ,ever.

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