Cast when Stunned
" compare both: 1. get hit (damaged) to trigger CwS - have to proc a stun and also proc the gem then only it will work CoDT - get damaged enough and stuff happens. guaranteed 2. spells cast on proc Damage spells: CwS - no damage reduction but is based on luck (you need to get stunned and on top of that need to trigger the gem) CoDT - damage reduction can be reduced at high levels, but even with reduction it is much more reliable as it always procs Defensive spells or curses: CwS - hard to proc thus defensive spells occur unreliably CoDT - always procs and has no drawback So what does CwS has over CoDT? Frankly I don't see a major point for CwS to exist. Even if you're a low hp user that can stunned by everything, you would choose to stay out of harms way instead of using CwS and instead use other stuff like decoy totems, minions... or CoDT... [Removed by Support]
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What happens if an enemy attacks you when you're already stunned? Are you immune to further stuns during the stun animation, or do you get re-stunned if the enemy would stun you?
Obviously this is relevant to this gem to know if 5 enemies attack you near the same time and all would stun do you get 5 possible chances to trigger this gem or just 1? @Moylin (Beyond) Last edited by Avelice#3926 on Oct 27, 2013, 10:09:39 PM
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"same for allies hitting foes. |
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I expect Cast when Stunned support gem to work as stated in the gem's description when used in conjunction with any skill gem that contains the keyword "Spell". This is because the Cast when Stunned gem states no limitations except that the skill to be cast must be a "Spell". It has been observed that Cast when Stunned appears to not function in conjunction (hehe rhymes) with some skills whose gems contain the keyword "Spell". Observed behavior: Traps, Mines, and Animate-X skills whose gems contain the keyword "Spell" are NOT cast via the Cast when Stunned support gem. Expected behavior: Traps, Mines, and Animate-X skills whose gems contain the keyword "Spell" shall be eligible to be cast by the Cast when Stunned support gem. Additional notes: Desired behavior would be for the traps or mines to be cast at the location of the target that would normally be chosen for single-target spells in the same situation; Animate-X spells would target a random eligible (and in-range) non-unique item. I understand there are technical hurdles associated with implementation of these desired behaviors. The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform.
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HI, here is my build I'm trying to do something with Endurance Charge on Melee Stun and I had that crazy idea that I could use Immortal Call with "cast when stunned". Why?? Because it should proc only in case of physical damage. Does it work?? Nope, I tried it in the Fetid Pool in Cruel and it did something weird. Immortal proc, I have 5 seconds of invulnerability, less than 1 second later immortal call proc again and I have...0.2 seconds of invunerability!!! Is it a bug? Because it has 0 interest with immortal call if it works that way. I shouldn't be able to cast immortal call again if it lowered the duration. It's a non sense ^^ Thx for your answers Last edited by Nephryo#5528 on Oct 28, 2013, 5:18:22 PM
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I dont think its a bug
Immortal call gets cast again on the second stun but since now you have no charges it has no duration If anything you could say that the second immortal call should not override the first that has longer duration Dogs Summoner -
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" While immortal call is active you are immune to physical damage so second stun shouldn't occur at all ergo second immortal call should not be casted untill first one is over - thats how i understand it but looks like it doesnt work this way |
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" Yeah, that's what I wanted to say :) I think it is somewhat dumb that you could use immortal call again if you don't gain something. Here is an idea: the time of immortal call could stack if immortal call is recast during it's effect. If it doesn't work that way, then I will cast it manually. Nevermind ^^ Thx |
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I'm interested in using this support to make a "stand there and do nothing build" using CI. With CI, you can have tons of effecting health, but still get stunned at the smallest of hits, generating plenty of procs. The obvious choice for damage output would be discharge.
Something like: level 1 cast on damage taken + enduring cry + desired curse + blood rage Cast when stunned + discharge And another level 1 cast when damage taken + a spell with plenty of crit potential + power charge on critical + increased critical strikes One option for generating power charges would be tempest shield + power charge on critical. Thoughts? IGN: Iolar
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It seems that this gem calculates the proc chance of every linked skill independently. I've linked it with Enfeeble, Totem & Minion Elemental Resistance(ignore this...) and Decoy Totem. For example I am fighting Cole. It hits me with its hook attack(guaranteed stun). Sometimes I see Enfeeble on him, sometimes I throw a totem, and some fewer times both.
Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap |
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