Cast on Melee Kill

very niche uses for hybrid builds. i imagine a crown of eyes build might put this to good use.
Like everyone else in the forum said this gem sucks until you make it not have to be attached to the main gem. I was so excited to get this because of my theorized build, I get it and set up the links and it doesn't work... Why because it has to be attached to your main skill and make it worthless.
In comparision with "Cast on Critical Strike", this gem is far inferior. It has the same chance as CoC to procc (according to the wiki) and yielding no bonus. The theoretical PPM (Procc per minute) is considerable low since you need to kill an enemy to procc, where CoC could procc multiple times on the same enemy with no downsides.

Would like to see some kind of "+X increased damage to linked spells", which would make this game shine in some builds. Right now, it's not worth to spend 2 valueable sockets to this.

So isn't this gem will work on the linked melee attack it uses to trigger a skill in the first place? Like, u use it with cyclone then cyclone triggers again, and with one cyclone you just go through entire map? :)))
vova1818 wrote:
So isn't this gem will work on the linked melee attack it uses to trigger a skill in the first place? Like, u use it with cyclone then cyclone triggers again, and with one cyclone you just go through entire map? :)))
no, you trigger spells with attacks. an attack cannot be source of a trigger, but a cause.
Please provide video footage of literally anyone, at any time, using this support gem with positive results against anything above level seventy.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
This gem could be quite useful if it doesn't needed a mele attack to be linked with, otherwhise it's totally worthless.
People there said the same but, what the point of this when you can have CoCH or CoDT ?
It really need to be reworked somehow.
gem is pretty useless withou quality, barely usable with.
gem should get some of the quality bonus as it levels up.
Make it always cast the spell 100% of the time.

x% more Melee Physical Damage.
x% more Spell Damage.

Cooldown Time 10ms

Level 1 X = 1%
Level 20 X = 20%

Per 1% Quality +0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage and +0.5% increased Spell Damage

So it's like half of a Melee Physical support, half of a spell support and isn't totally fucking useless.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Last edited by RickyDMMontoya#7961 on Jun 18, 2014, 5:32:06 PM
How about something that has Bloodrage up, and COMK linked to Discharge? So the Frenzy Charge u gain is instantly discharged for Cold Damage. BloodDance boots can help with Frenzy Charge generation too.

Couple this with a Romira's Banquet + Resolute Technique. Any Attack Gem + Faster Attacks (since Multistrike generates only 1 charge) generates Power Charges.

Voll's Devotion can allow you to generate Endurance Charges once the Discharge procs, so you have Fire damage for your next discharge proc.

So you run up to a mob and start smacking it with an attack like Glacial Hammer, generating Power Charges. When you kill it, you insantly gain Frenzy Charges that are Discharged together with the Power charges, which in turn give you Endurance charges. Your Bloodrage is also refreshed.

So its a massively shitty build that doesn't do anything a proper build cant, but whole charges recycling thing is kinda fun.

Yeah this is a joke post. It wouldn't work in a million years. Just saying.
Last edited by rrgerty#1048 on Jul 3, 2014, 3:33:07 AM

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