Cast on Melee Kill
You have cast on kill combined with flicker strike, lightning warp and frenzy? So if you kill something with frenzy you will warp to the location you are at the moment and flicker away to an enemy, warping back after some time? Or how does it work?
Sounds like a hell lot of fun! :-D |
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It is. I'll do a build write about it in the Scion section. I call her the Phase-Shifter.
I have frenzy attached to endurance charge on stun, cast on kill, lightning warp. So I kill something with frenzy and the lightning warp animation begins. Then I use flicker combined with multistrike, cast on kill, discharge during the lightning warp animation. It combines the movement from flicker and lightning warp to sometimes make me fly through 4 different rooms fighting all the enemies in them simultaneously. I also use Blood Dance and Terminus Est to keep frenzy charges up through flicker strike discharges. I have ST with LMP, added fire, and WED to help whittle down large packs or for kiting. For support is a Cast on Stun with spell totem, temporal chains, totem and minion elemental resistance. She uses Determination and Grace and will add Hatred as soon as Reduced Mana levels up enough. This is what her skilltree looks like:
I will probably end up playing this toon (her name is Uterosity :D) until lvl 90 or so. She's just a ton of fun to play and her tree is situated perfectly for all the things she'll need late-late game. If you try the build I hope you like it. Has great kill speed and looks impressive as hell. I've invited a couple people to check it out and they all pretty much react with 'rofl dude, wtf'. lol |
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I think the info on this support gem should state "50% less attack damage" and triggered spells deal 25% less damage (check what happens to the average dps of a spell)
it raises false expectations kinda if it doesnt mention its bad sides Last edited by Stormya#3920 on Dec 16, 2013, 5:07:11 PM
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I one-shot myself with this the other day on a pack of elemental reflects with leap slam, CoMK, detonating dead, and increased AOE. Well, technically it wasn't a one-shot but by the time I realized what I'd just taken damage from, the second leap was already in the air. Kaboom. I wonder how much I overkilled myself by, lol.
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with this weapon i cycloned trough 71 maps easily with this weapon and setup cast on melee kill with any other skill feels bad and pointless (infernal blow is so much better for 'single target' use) but with cyclone it works well together as both benefit from AOE passives and conc effect/inc aoe (sadly my only 6L chest refused to roll 2B in 500+ chromes..) i tried the same with sweep but.. no, just no. sad stuff that CoMK is usable barely with leap slam and cyclone as all other 'single click' type skills just dont benefit from it that much btw. considering how much more frequent 'crit' is vs 'kill' im bit shocked that cast on crit now has higher % to cast than - mostly - lackluster CoMK.. maybe it is time to fix CoMK and make it a bit more interesting? 100% cast on kill levels grant MORE dmg up to 20 (or 40) |
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"I think the gem makes spell dps lower, but doesn't actually impact weapon dps. I think it's a tooltip bug because physical/elemental damage numbers don't go down and I doubt it's effecting attack speed as that would be pretty noticeable. I've also found cyclone to be the best available skill to use it with, namely on a facebreaker cycloner with cast on kill, two ethereal knives and lifeleech. I've seen the 'bullet hell' CoC cycloner and I'm not bragging to state that a facebreaker cast on kill cycloner can match it's killspeed easily. Let's you do some interesting things with flasks like this:
You could argue that using facebreaker cheapens the build somewhat, but it could easily be replaced with a weapon-based build, would just need better equipment that's harder to acquire than the facebreaker/lightning coil/abyssus build I've found to be so very effective. Might even be able to make use of the 500% crit multiplier that's puzzling me with it's purpose on an unarmed build. I had to reroll the build for the 3rd time when I realized unarmed had no crit chance and doing a facebreaker ranger without resolute technique was pointless. Sigh. I could have sworn I saw crit chance on the duelist facebreaker i'd just rolled previously. I'm trying to iterate on my first facebreaker character (in domination) who had a 20k dps mutlistriked infernal blow that could one shot entire screens but who's cyclone had to be modified with damage mods to be effective. I'd like to have a 'one-button win' character using cyclone that can use cast on kill and still have great killspeed. It's just a matter of getting enough attackspeed through the skilltree, I think. That and maybe Vaal Paact with heavy lifeleech so I can just speedflask cyclone around throwing EK in every direction. I wish lightning warp interacted with CoK/CoC and cyclone a bit differently, carrying the attack through however far it had left to go, or that shock nova was a bit more usable without aiming. Maybe it's just a matter of time waiting for more spell-skills to be released but the amount of viable spells attachable to such a build seems rather limited. |
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the only way i would use cast on mele kill is reave with skellies in bringer of rain. probly need to be scion with haste aura.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote] "Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival." .\1.2/ ..\3/ [img][/img] Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Jan 12, 2014, 4:41:38 PM
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" I see massive fun if it worked with DoT damage,can you imagine the chain reaction you'd get (finite) the spell weakens the enemy while say Viperstrike is still in effect so the enemy dies quicker setting off another spell to weaken the next strongest enemy.Of course if the spell kills the enemy then you get no proc. |
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Useless gem, need to be linked with melee attack gem in order to work.
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" jap thats crap. should be changed to a normal trigger gewm like cast on damage taken with a Percentage when it is triggered. |
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