Cast on Crit

People complaining about CoC obviously haven't tried playing the build. Those EK builds can throw out some dps but even with only 2 EK gems and 20% life leech you are likely to die often to phys reflect packs. Even immortal call wont save you if you get a string of triggers.

Also to note is that the build ends up doing almost no damage with the main attack skill. Every point is in crit, the weapon has to be high crit, and often you dont have the mana to even support a leveled skill unless it's a cheap one like barrage or multi shot.

As was already said I too think the perception with CoC being "OP" has more to do with all the effects going off than the dps output. 20/20 skill gems are not cheap. 6 links are not cheap. The people using CoC to great effect will not even be hurt by a nerf, they'll be on to the next build that likely has even greater gear requirements while the average coc player with just a 5L is forced to reroll or quit.

I would like to see them do something about fps lag in general but that is a problem in many parties not just those with coc users.
I have a far simpler explanation you. People QQ because CoC can deal out of this world damage without spending mirrors on weapons, that is the one and only reason. Dps is the epeen of any online game. When a build threaten to top the RMTers dps, their epeen is being challenged. What can they do? They cry for nerfs.
IGN Vermillionillusion
GMT-4, usually 8-12 pm
What was the intended purpose for the new CoC?

For now i can tell that Quill Rain CoC users got a big nerf, specially those using lightning arrow (or any other bow projectile attack that is not barrage).

In the other hand, everything else got insanely buffed, specially cyclone and spectral throw. The support gem is even more laggier than before since any low crit melee player can spam spells now with cylone and spectral throw. In about 15 min i've got 5 crashes from parties with people using it, something that never happened before.

Most people used lightning arrow because: 1 - more chances to process due extra aoe lightning, 2 - fast skill (less chance to desync)

Barrage was, and still is, bad for CoC because it's a slow skill, you end up getting stuned (getting stunned seems to cancel CoC processing) and you desynch a LOT with barrage while shotgunning or kiting a crowd of mobs.

*That guy saying the build was cheap... 6l quill rain, 6l voll protection, thief torment... that alone is over 60+ exa. Plus, you need really good hp/ele res on gear otherwise you will die to reflect everytime.

Do something to the gem because it drop people fps? YES
Do something to the gem because it provides "cheap" build? LOL...
Last edited by pelife123#2928 on Jan 9, 2014, 2:48:58 AM
as long as chain exists on projectile attack skills, CoC will get use regardless of the actual skill... granted mobs aren't literally touching each other. chain + barrage had a vast multiplier effect on CoC triggers. anything that adds a delay to the hits, will still be good, by default this is chain support.

try lightning strike + chain + CoC as well... just don't give it quality.

spectral throw is a very ideal skill to use CoC with, it only triggers its hits every .3 seconds. while likely not fast enough, it ensures CoC doesn't try to trigger faster.

fork works too but... eh? same with pierce but "ugh" instead =p
R.I.P Cast on Crit as of 1.05

It seems like the "Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown" can be bypassed by linking different spells to the cast on crit.

The problem seems to be that instead of putting cast on crit on cooldown, it puts the individual spells on cooldown, but only after they are casted.

It should be changed so that once a spell casted with cast on crit, all other spells linked to the same "cast on crit" will be put on cooldown too.

Otherwise: what's the point of this change? I thought the change was to reduce "lag", but by abusing the bug people are able to bypass the change.
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mazul wrote:

It seems like the "Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown" can be bypassed by linking different spells to the cast on crit.

The problem seems to be that instead of putting cast on crit on cooldown, it puts the individual spells on cooldown, but only after they are casted.

It should be changed so that once a spell casted with cast on crit, all other spells linked to the same "cast on crit" will be put on cooldown too.

Otherwise: what's the point of this change? I thought the change was to reduce "lag", but by abusing the bug people are able to bypass the change.

It was to change so that you can't stack same spells, it did that, now you wont be able to use 3-4ek's youll have to switch it up.
NagiSoi wrote:
mazul wrote:

It seems like the "Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown" can be bypassed by linking different spells to the cast on crit.

The problem seems to be that instead of putting cast on crit on cooldown, it puts the individual spells on cooldown, but only after they are casted.

It should be changed so that once a spell casted with cast on crit, all other spells linked to the same "cast on crit" will be put on cooldown too.

Otherwise: what's the point of this change? I thought the change was to reduce "lag", but by abusing the bug people are able to bypass the change.

It was to change so that you can't stack same spells, it did that, now you wont be able to use 3-4ek's youll have to switch it up.

Sure, but if forcing people to use different spells was the only intention, why do they want to do that? To reduce dps of 6-linked CoC builds? If they wanted to reduce dps, they could have different changes.

I hope Mark GGG can give some insight into the thoughts behind this change and whether or not the bypass is a bug or intended.
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Last edited by mazul#2568 on Jan 9, 2014, 6:34:57 AM

Patch 1.0.5
Cast on Critical Strike now has a 10 millisecond cooldown. The chance to cast supported skills has been increased by a flat 20%.

With this change it's no longer possible to linke multiple same skill gems to cast on critical strike. Because game handles cooldowns per skill rather then per skill gem (to prevent bypassing CD with stuff like endurance cry) first cast of the skill prevents the others. It is still however very possible to linke multiple different spells.

The other part of this change is that attack skills that hit multiple targets at this same time will trigger spells only once. It was reported that it Riped power siphong GMP coc. It should also effect cyclone since i belive every target is hit at this same time.

Next you can feel the change if you had some insane attack speed values and hiting targets almost at same time. Quill rain and SA/LA are probably impacted here.

If the above is not the case for you then this change is a buff due to 20% higher proc chance even if you might lose proc here and then due to CD.

And my Feedback:
Linking 3XEK to CoC was absolutely broken, there is no spell that comes even close to damage of EK and it also made self cast EK look like poop. Now they probably gonna wait and see if it was enough - i perosnally don't mind if only one spell could be linked to CoC i think it would still be good to just support that spell rather then add more spells.
I also do think split arrow/LA quill rain was kind of ridiculous even with amount of investment you need. It took hit from no multi-EK and second hit from hitting at almost same time. Might be too much but then bows can you barrage so its not like there are no options.
Finally one cast per aoe skill is kinda unfortunate. If you would want to use rain of arrows with firestorm as and aoe based coc you won't have much success now. Same goes for melee skills like reave. On the contrary cyclone still should be good due to the inante 2x ias in skill , but then just one EK change might have been enough.
Last edited by Stt3r0#1428 on Jan 9, 2014, 9:51:03 AM
i am playing a cyclone coc discharger and it still works pretty good
perhaps even better, i think the +20% chance to cast make my char cast discharge even better and more early

will test it further now

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