
I would guess the server has a lot of stress niw that desync is more frequent. It's quite anorm for reave to miss the first attack sin on the server, the mobs are not there yet. I basically walk in one step closer than I would , before start attacking.

After getting bored with spectral throw, I decided to start playing with reave again .

With cast on melee kill with detonate dead / ice nova, the skill is pretty fun. I would encourage you guy to try it. May be this is not viable at the end game, but it make the early game until late game a better experience for reaver.
I just ran a test with reave and enduring cry on cast on damage taken normally casting enduring cry would reset the stacks, however it doesn't do this when enduring cry is triggered like this, is this as intended? (as the skill text is a little ambiguous stating: "after using another skill")
if it had said when you cast or w/e it would have been clearer a trigger gem would not reset it.

On a completely different note, why have it reset after any cast any way? why not allow players to flicker strike around to get in a better position and continue with their stacks? this effect, all in all, makes reave a less than desirable skill to use, it's basically a nerfed ground slam for swords/daggers/claws
just having the 2 second timeout should be enough, this is just killing diversity, most builds only spam a single spell, using reave forces you to only use reave :/
Am I missing the reason for this reset after any other cast/attack?

Gorram reavers!
I tried to lvl up as reave and got so tired after lvl 40 i just couldnt do it.
The 2 second timer is a joke with desync,You end up hitting air every few minutes and it gets really annoying.
I can one shot most mob packs with leap slam or just use cleave and clear way faster or try to hit mobs with desynced reave ,choice is pretty obvious.
I am currently a level 25 with Reave. I thought it was going to be an awesome skill at first. Then I find out it is...


Why does GGG hate Claw Users/Dual Users so much?

Claws + Dual Weapon Users need an AoE which attacks from a distance like cleave, spectral and Reave (But not like Reave! It is terrible!)

Please release a good gem which has radius and is very compatible with dual wield users/claws and attacks from a distance. This game DOESN'T have one yet!
I'm level 48 and reave feels really good. I'm getting aoe nodes so the range is great, and since there is no damage penalty on the skill I feel like I'm doing some real good aoe damage, much of it from range, for cheap mana cost. I am currently in A3 cruel and its been fairly easy leveling. I have it linkd with cast on melee kill - detonate dead to synergize with the aoe nodes. Also have some fire nodes, use molten shell, and anger aura. Its a fun build and very effective.
I just started playing again, and found so many new stuff in this game.. I’m a lv 38 dual-wield duelist, and initially I was using cleave, because it utilizes both weapons. But then when I got the skill gem for reave, it automatically does 20%more damage than cleave, and a longer range. It is harder to use, I usually just hold right mouse button and spin it around my character so I don’t have to move closer to attack since I already have the range. But honestly, I don’t aoe unless there’s a big pack of monsters. When it comes to smaller groups, I found that killing them one by one with strong single target skill is just as effective.
Has reaved been fixed where if you are out of mana, it switches to default attack? Would like to know, thanks.
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I was on a break when this came out but I've been trying it out in release. Dropping stacks when you use another skill is extremely frustrating.

I feel like shadow/ranger playstyle is evasive and quick. This means constant use of flicker and whirling blades to quickly position yourself. Reave, the 'dagger/claw AoE', is completely countersynergistic to the playstyle of claws and dagger characters. By using your mobility skills, you are killing your Reave stacks.

The very very short timer for the stacks is more than enough to promote aggressive, constant killing. You want people to use Flicker/Whirl in concert with Reave, taking advantage of the mobility skills to keep finding enemies and keep maintaining the stacks.

Current implementation is unfun and counterintuitive. Please have the stacks be unaffected by using other skills. This would also remove the need for the bizarre and annoying "stand there like a retard when out of mana" condition.
Last edited by aimlessgun on Nov 7, 2013, 2:49:46 AM
lv70 Crit-life based Reaver in nemesis here and I had 3 other reavers at lv50+ in nemesis that reeeped for reasons not releated to actually being reave.

My verdict is: as long as "Cast when Damage Taken" is as usuable as it is now to instant-cast defensive spells, Reave is both fun and viable to play.

For movement, Reavers use quicksilver flasks, since those do not lose stacks. Furthermore, the higher AoE range you have, the easier it is to get to next pack without losing stacks; so I strongly advice to not use Concentrated Effect with this.

A few facts for new people:

* Cast when damage taken does not remove stacks.
* Using potions does not remove stacks.

Also a tip to those who have difficulties enjoying Reave: Reave with it's huge AoE range along with the Aura changes to get more powerful Hatred and aura nodes changes, all points towards making Reave an insanely good AoE freeze skill.

Freeze is a very strong defensive effect.
Last edited by andinuad on Nov 7, 2013, 8:45:43 AM
Last edited by Periphery on Sep 13, 2014, 3:17:56 AM

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