:;()$&@"\The Anime Pub/:;()$&@"

Just incase... If anyone doesn't know who she is lol.


OH.... and one more thing... What is Manga?

"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Last edited by solwitch on Apr 30, 2018, 10:47:35 PM
Looks like that one was too old to catch on my radar.

Manga ages very well for me, while anime doesn't. I'm chugging through all of Full Metal Panic since I forgot everything, and man it feels long. Good thing I have Diablo 2 to keep me preoccupied.
www.twitch.tv/Sushin for various games, generally laid back
North2 wrote:
I'm chugging through all of Full Metal Panic since I forgot everything

In preparation for the new season i guess?

The second raid only fairly recently got released over in the UK, i'll need to buy it to get the collection updated.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Yep, exactly. The only thing I distinctly remembered was my dislike for Chidori, and I was wondering why when I was re-watching it since she didn't come off as really that annoying this time around. Then episode 10 rolled around and I remembered...she's the main girl in the story when I really wished it was Tessa instead.
www.twitch.tv/Sushin for various games, generally laid back
on the penguin in eva:

probably the most overlooked character/ symbol, and that is exactly the point.
at first glance introduced as nothing but a comic relief or seemingly random oddity, the penguin in eva represents the state and human kinds relation to nature in this world.
note the absence of any other animals or pets (apart from ritsukos (dead) cat).
note the absence of nature or ecology in general, eva takes place in a wholly subdued and technological world.
in such a world, even a penguin can be domesticated - what strikes us as a random oddity seems perfectly fine to the characters in this world.
the very fact that the penguin plays no actual role, has no dialogue or meaningful interactions with the humans, that he is just there without any reason for being there - the fact that he doesnt matter is what matters. this is the state of nature - or rather: of humans relation to nature - in this world.

of course from the penguin we can draw a direct line to antarctica, the place where it all began.
nothing but a white desert of snow and ice that despite its nothingness is ripe with dreams and symbolism that has inspired poets, explorers and scientists ever since.

just as the penguin, antarctica is just there. just like a penguin pet, antarctica has nothing to offer to human kind; it is useless, meaningless, of no relation or value.
and that is excactly what drives humans to conquer this continent of nothingness.
long after human kind had wraped a ribbon around its planet and declared that this place had been measured and conquered from east to west, antarctica still remained there as a precise point, the last point, as meaningless as exact, silently taunting mankind.

antarctica is the white continent: innocent, a blank sheet, nothingness, virginity - antarctica is the virgin continent.
now note how in eva the seas and even skies of antarctica are painted in red: meaning that even this last, meaningless recess of nature has been subdued, defiled - deflowered.
what did man find in antarctica? he found god and his angels. who, for the second time, gave him pandoras box, emptied this time. what did man find at the bottom of pandoras box? a mirror - conquer yourself.

and this leads back to penguin.
note how he is more civilized and better domesticated than the humans he shares the appartment with.

Last edited by PaoloPinkel on May 1, 2018, 12:23:25 PM
Or, you know... it might just be that they decided that a penguin would be an awesome pet to have.

I think the reason why antarctica and the ocean is red is another of the many biblical references, revelation 16 - 3 to be exact: "The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died."

Always struck me as one of the most obvious references ever since I read that bible quote in the prologue of "The swarm - A novel of the deep". Which is a REALLY good book by the way. It's pretty interesting, you might like it.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
I don't really know if I want to stick my head back into this, but this is exactly what I was talking about. It's up to the viewer to decide if it means anything, and both of your interpretations sound very reasonable.

Whether it meant something or not, the penguin felt so awkwardly out of place that you can't help but wonder if there was a meaning behind it. This is the same thing I felt for ALL of the 'bad writing' in Eva, as you would call it. Of course, I really couldn't pick up on any of it if there was. I definitely dismissed the penguin as one of those things that was just there to make you think about stuff. Not the same thing as a red herring, but just sorta there. After reading Paolo's explanation, now I'm beginning to think that even the penguin had a reason to be there when it was the one thing I was sure on that it had no real purpose at all.

Edit: https://wiki.evageeks.org/Pen_Pen

I guess for this one, the creator did reveal the meaning behind Pen Pen if you read the notes on the bottom. I guess FCK42 was right, lol. This is exactly why it's better for Eva to be left ambiguous.
www.twitch.tv/Sushin for various games, generally laid back
Last edited by North2 on May 1, 2018, 4:10:15 PM
The ultra-random stuff really sticks out for me in Nichijou that sets it apart from most of the other slice-of-life shows. It's like watching those bizarre youtube clips, which apparently becomes even more hilarious when it's happening to someone you know, or at least get to know as is the case for the characters in Nichijou.
www.twitch.tv/Sushin for various games, generally laid back
Last edited by North2 on May 1, 2018, 8:24:59 PM
Some youtube videos can be taken that way, sure. I was thinking more along the line of misfortunes of others that can be laughed at without guilt, like the ones where the 'victim' is laughing about it at the end of the clip. Also like those videos of kangaroos fighting in the streets of Australia, which I was reminded of every time that deer showed up. Y'know, just...random for randomness' sake.

Oh man, that wrestling scene. I feel like I might need to watch it again.
www.twitch.tv/Sushin for various games, generally laid back
Last edited by North2 on May 1, 2018, 8:48:15 PM
I remember having seen a video about nichijou on youtube where the formula for jokes in it was summed up quite nicely:
1. Play a joke to the point where it should logically stop.
2. Don't stop.
4. Never question what just happened.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.

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