Europe needs more races in the evening
Below is a graph of the number of races on weekdays, per timeslot (all times in GMT, burst races counted as 1). ![]() As the image shows the problem is not that there are too few races in the 4 PM and 8 PM slots (in fact, those are the highest populated), but the big gaps between 2 AM and 6 AM, and 4 PM and 8 PM. The first gap could be a problem for people in the GMT-9 and GMT-10 timezones - except that is only Alaska and a few scarcely populated islands in the Pacific. The second gap however is annoying for (at least) the people in GMT+1 and GMT+2: all of continental Europe, plus the huge majority of Africa. I image at least Europe has a large part of the PoE player base (in fact, I seem to remember one of the devs saying so in an interview), so crossing all those players seems like a bad idea. Not-a-Cockroach Last edited by zerofk#6137 on Nov 14, 2013, 7:14:43 AM
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I feel for the EU players with 2 time slots. I'm -6GMT, which gets 1 time slot, 8pm, but I've usually seen more in the previous seasons, so I'm OK getting slighted this time around.
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sounds like u bros are sad
IGN @drinkalltheales |
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Ya wtf for eu, 5pm stil at work and after 1 race and same almost all day ...
Can you do the first at 6/7pm with that more ppl can do it | |
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“ No mod action. Business as usual. |
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+1 from germany
id really like to do races when i come home from work, come on GGG! |
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" Makes you wonder, who the fuck is this race schedule supposed to cater to? US-based players? Not really, most races are late at night/early in the morning. EU-based? Evidently not. Is the vast majority of PoE players really from Australia/New Zealand? I highly doubt that. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Nov 14, 2013, 2:26:42 PM
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The schedule above is exactly my schedule as well, and so are the sleep times and work times. In previous seasons, the events slots were 6PM + 10PM or 7PM + 11PM. Much better (although some weird stuff happened regarding daylight savings)
I acknowledge that scheduling races is a difficult task. However, many racers in Europe are a little sad about the schedule of this season. If it is not going to change, a short explanation of why the schedule looks like it does would be appreciated. I assumed that some time zones have excellent time slots. I will look into that tomorrow. Last edited by Hassefar60#0882 on Nov 14, 2013, 4:31:42 PM
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Ok I take GMT+1 as example
12am-->Best playtime for GMT-2 and GMT-3h Which countries got GMT -3 and -2 -3 Argentinia Brasil(East Coast) Guayana (FR) Surinam and Greenland parts of Antarctica -2 Hmm Falkland Islands and South Georgia? Atlantis? Even GMT-1 is only Portugal! Sorry but I highly doubt that this time slot is any good unless GGG shows me how many Polar Bears, Pinguins, Mermans/maids and Fish play PoE. It isn't even a good slot for the US East coast unless it's targeting school kids. 3AM Good Slot for GMT -5 till -7 This slots covers already the majority of the US! 7AM GMT-8 Slot -->US is covered but Alaska and Hawaii It's also a good slot for GMT +13 till +15 10 AM GMT +11 till GMT + 13 NZ Time slot 12PM GMT +9 till GMT +11 Japan, Kora, Indonesia 2PM GMT +7 till GMT +9 China, Singapore and Thailand 5PM another horrible slot because it's targeting the middle east and do you really believe you have got some real Players from those nations? Those nations currently got other problems than playing blasphemic games. For Russia, Isreal, Eastern Europe it would be better if it would be 2 hour later. Especially if you consider some eastern europe countries don't use Winter/Summertime anymore so they don't switch to wintertime and could be considered as GMT +1. 9PM The only good slot for GMT till GMT+1 TL;DR From a GMT+1 perspective The 12AM slot and the 5PM slot don't make any sense unless GGG somehow manages to show animals and war suffering countries playing PoE. The only 5PM ips to be found are proxies used by bots. |
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And here i thought i'll finally participate in races... But after seeing the schedule... well,
guess not (gmt+1) Phase 1: Collect Underpants
Phase 2: ? Phase 3: Profit |
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