Europe needs more races in the evening

I'm from Denmark, and yes it's really hard to fit in the races.

Some async races would be nice.

You have 24 hours to complete a 1 hour endless ledge, you can start whenever you like, or lets say each hour.

Would be fun to test out, and would make it feasible to race a little more, for us with work and a life :-)
Im a little bit angry, that it is nearly impossible for me, a casual racer(mostly top 100) to get the 250 points. I mean if only can do every 3rd or 4th race and get mostly 6 points, i nearly can get to the 250 points, if im not dieng.

Hate it alot that most of the races are out of my time period. And I also dont like the fact, that there are lesser rewards in this race season. I mean, there always was 5 rewards before the 150 mark. This season only 3, and no one of them is even usefull...


Also i have a free 8 hours period in the evening. Hate that fact, that i MAXIMUM see 2 Races in this time...

All4n wrote:

You have 24 hours to complete a 1 hour endless ledge,

I would also enjoy to see some 6 - 12 hour events, but only 1 of the trys goes into the ranking

Also 5Hour dominus races -

Why can't they be "from creation of a character to dominus kill" ranked and not from the beginning? Would be fair to race pros who die, or failed on loading screen.

I mean there are 21 Races i can / will do left for me. Im not Hegemony so i don't get that 250 points even.
Last edited by _DavidAegis_#0777 on Nov 3, 2014, 8:29:14 AM
Just checked nearest races with around an hour length. For euro time zone (I live in east europe) start times are absolutely unacceptable. It's ether 4am or 9am...

Look: c067 - 4am, c068 - 10am, c070 - 1am, c071 - 9am, c072 - midnight.

So none of announced events start in reasonable time for euro zone. :-(

Could we have better start times for EU servers. Something that start after dinner and before midnight.
Hey all

I've been playing PoE for the accumulated time of 160 days, or since Race Season 6, which I’ve been enjoying tremendously, although my race performances sucks in comparison with Helmann and Terrex I've slowly been getting better and better.
I always look forward to the new race season with that of a childs excitement at Christmas, even though i'm at an age pushing 40.
It disappoints me when I look at the new race season (season 11), to find that out of the 120 different races, I'm only able to join a fraction of these, because the majority of them is in the AM. I'm living en Denmark (DK), working and of course being the age that I am having kids.
Please GGG couldn't you take some of the suggestions from these pages and help the community in EU with a more async race schedule...
Agree with my european compatriots.

I'm from Spain and I've seen very few races between 6PM and 12PM (GMT +0; GMT +1; GMT +2, GMT+3 etc) during this seasons. The proportion of these I can play this time is really low .

Please GGG, It would be great if you could have that in mind for future seasons.

Thanks in advance for a daily worker ^_^
HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
I checked through the race schedule and noticed the following:

Out of 120 races 72 are during the week
Only 14 out of these 72 races start between 6pm and 11 pm (GMT +1)
2 of these races start at 11 pm and are 3 hour races until 2 am

This leaves a total of 12 races left during the weektime, which is: 12/72 = 16,67% of races that a European worker can realistically play

I would suggest to have seperate race seasons for Regions, focussing on their respective Prime Times (6pm to 1am max)

What you guys think?
C4ph wrote:
I checked through the race schedule and noticed the following:

Out of 120 races 72 are during the week
Only 14 out of these 72 races start between 6pm and 11 pm (GMT +1)
2 of these races start at 11 pm and are 3 hour races until 2 am

This leaves a total of 12 races left during the weektime, which is: 12/72 = 16,67% of races that a European worker can realistically play

I would suggest to have seperate race seasons for Regions, focussing on their respective Prime Times (6pm to 1am max)

What you guys think?

Sry, no can do. Evenings should apperently be reserved for the 100 ppl playing PVP.
Almost each season race schedule are bad for EU, i remembrer one season ggg even add some race for eu hour after lot of complain.

But this season its crazy their is like no race for eu the evening(when we should have lot of them because its the time where most of ppl play), you come play at like 5pm to midnight and maybe you will have one race at 10pm, such a joke.

Stop the hate vs EU ggg plz.
Dazoul wrote:
Almost each season race schedule are bad for EU, i remembrer one season ggg even add some race for eu hour after lot of complain.

But this season its crazy their is like no race for eu the evening(when we should have lot of them because its the time where most of ppl play), you come play at like 5pm to midnight and maybe you will have one race at 10pm, such a joke.

Stop the hate vs EU ggg plz.

Its sort of funny reading this because this week is pretty crazy for American times.

From noon to Midnight most days there are 2 races this entire week
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Morsexier wrote:
Dazoul wrote:
Almost each season race schedule are bad for EU, i remembrer one season ggg even add some race for eu hour after lot of complain.

But this season its crazy their is like no race for eu the evening(when we should have lot of them because its the time where most of ppl play), you come play at like 5pm to midnight and maybe you will have one race at 10pm, such a joke.

Stop the hate vs EU ggg plz.

Its sort of funny reading this because this week is pretty crazy for American times.

From noon to Midnight most days there are 2 races this entire week

Yeah, I've got an event at 6:30 p.m. EST so I don't get to do any races today!
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