[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!

Not a bad shield!
It will decrease the survivability tho, due to less max life, block, no armour and extremely low evasion ... but 9-17 physical damage is quite nice.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

I have had another most-likely-not-so-brilliant idea. I found this shield...

Now do you reckon this would be a decent replacement for Lioneye's? You would lose some life, 5% block and quite a lot of armour but gain a ton of resistances. Also, flat physical damage is craftable, which could be a decent damage boost.

Witht the nice resistances from the shield, I was thinking about utilizing one of my ring slots better. How would the Ming's Heart work on this build? Does anyone have one to test? Very little life would be lost and you would gain a huge amount of chaos resists and quite a bit of damage (I think).

Hey there,

I have returned to the game after a while, and I saw that my passive skill points have been reset. I tried to click on your URLs about the skill tree and I see nothing (no points allocated).

Any help please with that?
just .. look at the last few pages of this thread and you'll see the new tree proposed by my.

I have a lot of work this and next week so i don't really have the time to update my guides, the build list thread and actually play the game ... i'll update everything next weekend ... until then just look at ( i think ) page 173 for the new passive skill tree.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 16, 2014, 2:23:44 AM
what you say about this ???
attack speed give in 2 times more dmg than increased Melee Physical Damage, i test with some respec orbs (before patch ). with 10% increased Melee Physical Damage have 33631 dps - with 4% increased attack speed have 34226 dps, with not allocated node have 32900,
what we have 10% IMPD give + 731 dps
4% IMAS give + 1326 dps
Last edited by stan88#4122 on Dec 14, 2014, 12:30:26 PM
I just wanted to chime in with my take on this build. I have a lvl 80 dualist rocking a legacy pair of facebreakers (983%). Combined with a Meginord's belt, a Abyssus, and some nice (but not GG) rings/amulet I have 46k DPS when I am running HoA and Hatred. Throw in Blood Rage (3 frenzy charges) and the Atziri flask and I end up with bursts of 68k. Pretty darn nice boost from before this 1.3 patch. All those melee/shield nodes are great. I use a lioneye's for a shield.

(This is on a 5L in a Belly with infernal blow).

With a pair of non-legacy facebreakers (754%) my DPS with HoA and Hatred is 36k.

Here is my tree if anyone is curious: http://poeurl.com/y8BY0Fb

If anyone sees a way to optimize what I'm doing feel free to chime in!

I also have found a vengeance gem and with it not linked to anything it sits around 6k I think, not bad at all for a free attack. Probably would be pretty handy linked with a knockback gem in some situations.

Last edited by ansizf#6892 on Dec 14, 2014, 1:27:05 PM
First impressions with my FB Cycloner post-1.3

-10% less tooltip DPS (44.3k --> 40.7k)
-150 more life (5800 --> 5950)
-Dropped BELOW all-res (71 fire now...not good, though chaos res improved by about 25%)
-56% block (75% before)
-15.6k armor (can't remember before, but similar)

With that said, I went ahead and ran two Atziri's and no-death destroyed them like I never have before. Even with less tooltip, the mobs melted faster than usual and for the first time ever I got past triplets without a death (frickin' Cycloner always killed me, so I switched to killing him first...worked like a charm)

So on paper I should be pretty unhappy about the changes, but in practice I feel significantly more tanky and higher-damage.

Other experiences?

My tree:

My Gear:
check this one


Or remove those 6pts at bloodless circle and put them on the big life circle
Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Dec 15, 2014, 8:09:12 AM
well its pretty much the same as the one proposed by me ... 1 think tho ..
the lack of 4% reduced mana reservation = inability to run Hatred + Determination + HoA

and one suggestion
Diamond skin ( 15% all res ) > Elemental resistances with shield node ( 8% all res ) ;)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 15, 2014, 8:14:36 AM
Why Duelist over marauder?

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