patch 11.1 HUGE LLD dps increase
" better watch the way u talk on these forums. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 30, 2013, 4:58:05 AM
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Please keep your posts on topic and refrain from posting ad hominem arguments. I'll be monitoring this thread and editing anything offensive.
Last edited by rsjac#2488 on Jun 29, 2013, 12:08:22 AM
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Apparently i don't know the definition of deranged, yet you used it in exactly the same context as i did. You are most definitely a fast learner. (:
Also, while i do degrade you to a degree, i know your true nature, and have no intention to expose it; as you constantly expose yourself. tsk tsk Truth is, you have limited knowledge on LLD and you also PROVE this constantly. Most recently, yoou have no idea how potent a very well made summoner witch can be, especially against facebreakers. Armour/es is by far the best armour type for a 6l, considering what combination of 6 gems are viable and possible. Terribly wrong once again.. What is your obsession with elemental sword users? It is simply a build that has been developed to take advantage of what is available. You are forgetting initiative and ingenuity led to the outcome of this build, most importantly, in softcore- not hardcore. Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jun 29, 2013, 12:12:52 AM
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" u guys just forget about flasks all day and act like a build is what it uses for gear it amazes me. Telling me all facebreakers are sluggish and slow is really expressing lack of knowledge for LLD. Flask management is about almost as important for LLD as your gear. I realize how awesome the armor is on a 6link but I think the lack of life and res is not worth the added skill cost for the utility of a 6link. 6link imo is just overkill and should only be used if it is truly an awesome piece of armor, atleast for most builds. ofcourse some builds capitalize off having another elemental penetration or added accuracy, stun, or crit damage multiplier if u just have access. My fascination with swords is the apparent and OBVIOUS imbalance in its sole ability to penetrate a enemies block to such a degree, then couple it with wake of destruction and stacking block vs anything other than a sword its very had to remain competitive. I am fighting against a really good sword user atm in HC and what people dont realize is that with multistrike linked attacks u are basically guaranteed a hit that will penetrate block at -45% enemies block chance and swinging 3 times an attack at a very fast pace with heavystrike combined it really is just insane. Its obviously the most superior build other than good phys sword builds I see comming up in the melee category. 2 handers dont stand a chance, dual wielder melee builds dont stand a stance, any other 1 hand melee besides maybe glacial hammer really doesnt stand a chance. Why wouldnt I be fascinated with it? also dont act like you originated the build. You never posted anything about it, I was the person who brought it to the forum users attention according to its imbalance. I never saw your build or played against it. I had known about the imbalance of the nodes for quite some time, you just got a good sword before me. the devs even forgot to standardize it before I said anything. btw your interpretation of the definition of deranged is not even close to the actual definition but I let that slide trying to show you that even through your own interpretation of the "evolving language and definition" that u arent using it correctly and are trying to insinuate something out of the context which my manners are executed. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 29, 2013, 12:40:01 AM
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Just because we do not discus flasks frequently, does not mean we neglect the importance..
Facebreakers are incredibly sluggish without whirling blades, i do not know why you would even attempt to deny that. Sure you can weapon swap, regardless of how good you are at it, it still falls far from the convenience of not having to. Also, with such a small community, yet so diverse , people often swap servers and that obliviously effects ping, further adding insult to injury. Also, i did not attempt to claim recognition for any build. For the record, what is known as the elesword today, is a matured version of phantaszm and milkbeardharry's original build. I simply ripped and improved with the help of others. Unless you have incredible items for your physical crit character, it is destined for failure. Like i previously said, crit dagger, or 2hcrit flicker are the only tier 1viable crit builds. While the new flask is undeniably a huge buff, your character will still fall short, without literally insane items. I believe this build could work, but i very much doubt you have the items. Maybe i am wrong, care to share? finally, his 6link is not even rolled yet, i believe it is still blue.. edit: You are far too self-righteous, almost to the point of illogicality.. " Can you not see how pathetically idiotic this is? Shigga, booga woo Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jun 29, 2013, 1:17:29 AM
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no shit its blue, thats why I said its not really that great yet and compared it to a better version of a tabula rasa. Late to the party again dude.
btw bro I do have the items for my insane sword build and have shown tons of them off not gonna go through and detail the entire build to u. But you damn well know phys crit is possible with mara and I made a seriously insane sword build, now just topping it off with some sick Diamond flasks. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 29, 2013, 3:46:04 AM
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" I'm not interested in anything you can provide besides these items you claim to possess. The arrogance of you- you automatically think i want to be educated.. asif you have anything insightful to say good1 Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jun 29, 2013, 6:08:19 AM
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" u need to be educated. I have literally posted all these items in the past on the forums, not gonna do a special post showing u my tree and all my gear. I just pray some day they add the ability to cross league pvp, that would be so awesome. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 30, 2013, 5:01:20 AM
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