patch 11.1 HUGE LLD dps increase
You are probably the most troubled person i have ever encountered
without mentioning semantics, deranged can obviously mean obscure or different and generally in a bad way language can and does develop ;) Last edited by exmse#1126 on Jun 28, 2013, 12:21:40 PM
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" I think crit bow could be good. But you would need crazy gear. you would need a crit quiver and godly bow with crit bonus. IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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" u should leave your house once in awhile then dude. Also the definition you just gave for deranged, I find it really hard to pull that out of my economical outlook comparing hc and sc. You are just really reaching and trying to do anything u can to make me look like a psycho lmfao. You are the one who is obviously deranged and trying really hard in anyway to be negative towards me since I kill so many nubs u care obviously so much about at bandits. " dude I would stomp every single one of your chars no questions asked. You are a nobody and will forever be a nobody. What are u like top 10 maybe? LMFAO, I could make your exact redbeak low life pain attunement shadow EK crit build or trapper and dominaate u since I have some of the best ES gear lmfao. Dont think that I only use a facebreaker because its so easy to use, I use them because they OWN. I have went up against good sword builds and still 5-0 them. Without a godlike sword exmse has, he couldnt stand a chance vs my facebreaker, op ele sword and wake of destruction is his only chance. Firebrand you will never stand a chance. Summoner witch really? what a joke and waste of time. now go back to being BFF's, I really hope u know what I mean because I know how u are LOL. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 28, 2013, 9:01:50 PM
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Apparently you have never faced firebrands summoner. TBH I think he would beat you.
Facebreakers have absolutely no movement skills. Good luck beating his summoner with a sluggish facebreaker. My money is on the "nooby" summon witch LOL!! IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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" has anyone ever used a decoy totem vs him? seriously joke build. and apparently u dont know about switch to brightbeak hammer shield for movement skills. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 28, 2013, 8:37:37 PM
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" First off its easy to kill a decoy totem. Secondly I don't need to switch cuz I'm not a faggy facebreaker lmfao. You talk a big game yet I have not seen you grow enough courage to come to sc. All the best llds are in sc and you are in hc still owning the nubs. How can you even set yourself up on such a high pedestal when you only face weak to mediocre pvpers. I have fone pvp on both and hands down sc has the better players. Please for the love of god, and my bleeding eyes, from reading the smut that you put on these forums, kill your scrubby little facebreaker so you get spanked and we don't have to see the self righteous things you say on here. IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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" thats what u have to say as a counter? Nice dude, so u have not went against any good facebreakers and if u did I bet they slaughtered you lmfao. You have never pvped LLD effectively in HC I know that for a fact because I am there all the time I have not seen you. Quit acting like u know everything because u dont. Dont be jealous that I am undefeated and would wreck u. O ya I forgot growing courage is suiciding? I have courage all the time wrecking people at bandits but I just cant die bro. Sending you the scraps to make another crappy build, enjoy. I love it how its my responsibility to come to you but u act like facebreaker builds are so easy to beat and are SO BAD, why dont u come to HC make a char and easily beat me? why is it my responsibility to come to you? Its not, I am not going to invest my time dealing with scrubcore when HC will be just as popular once ladder hits lmfao. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 28, 2013, 9:20:47 PM
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I got bored of HC LLD because there is no competition. Yea you would have probably smashed the random toon I made on hc to test it out with. Because you are the only person that actually spent time to build a decent char onHC. Is it really that fun??? Lmfao Its not even an amazing feat to be undefeated on hardcore. If my lld was there I would also be undefeted. I challenge you right now to come to socfcore. If you win ill give you my lvl 28 6link. I know you won't come because you won't have a winning streak anymore. Fear has you by the throat my good sir IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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"o ya your amazing 6 link? Barely better than a tabula rasa, wait its not because the color of sockets probably sucks. So enticing, lemme guess u have a ele sword build too? Dude regardless of my facebreaker u would NEVER stand a chance vs my crit sword mara. I can just as easily say I challenge u to come to HC I will give u 3 exalts if u win. THats like 6 exalts to u since u play in scrubcore ; ) I love these noobs who have been playing for like 2 months and think they are SO GOOD. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jun 28, 2013, 9:55:02 PM
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" .....okay you stubborn, blind, idiot. I give up trying to explain to you that there is such a diverse number of builds that completely rape in lld. And "SCRUBCORE"? for PVE for sure. But PVP is soooooooo bad on HC. Whatever though I'm done having this nerd party with you right now. Going back to real life. Fucking mouthbreathers man. Can't believe I even argued on a video game forum. I feel like an idiot. But I see you doing it all the time. So not only are you an idiot. But also a complete loser. I should have never fed the troll -_- IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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