Rushing... Legitimate Tactic or Poor Etiquette?
lets just settle that the majority of end game pvpers are assholes, so just allow rushing to be acceptable
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This thread is fucking hillarious. Why would I ever wait around for you to cast buffs on yourself before I attack? If you build relies on summoning and auras, it's probably just a shitty PVP build. I will rush you 100% of the time, it would be dumb not to rush you. PVP =/= summon monsters then let them fight for you... lol.
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" Just a different mentality of play style I guess. Hell, I've waited for the other player to switch gear/gems. I prefer to fight people when they're at 100%. It's more challenging that way. Others don't. To each their own. It takes me about 5 seconds to get to 95%, which is good enough for me. We're never going to get any kind of consensus here. :) IGN: _Firebitch
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" Not all builds work well with beartrap , my build even get stronger with beartrap , I even kill him faster with rushing-beartrap together if he want to use beartrap against me, he did in the past and he did get killed even faster . Tactic is tactic, no one is 'dirty' . When someone says that he waited for ppl to buff up that means he also got all his buff and summon up . IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jul 1, 2013, 11:40:16 PM
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" Nicely said Everyone know that: In end-game pvp , there are much competitive cause everything is alot faster than in 28-noob-pvp . In 28pvp , they are slow as snails . That's the way every games go, if someone cant handle it then he is noob, he should go back to 28level pvp with slow-combat style . It fits him best, I know alot of kids is fighting 28lvl-pvp everyday for fun, ToughMudder, you should go back there and play with those kids cause you are not good enough for a 'more-competitive' pvp. Why did I lost to Templarthefall even with my rushing ? And why you cant not beat me even with your tactic: hide and throw beartrap out ? Dont blame on tactic or anything , it's you . You are just not good enough. My advice for you: go play more some kid's games cause it's for fun only,they are all very easy, you can even adjust the difficult to easy to fit you and you could do whatever you want like pausing everytime you nearly die to drinking life-potion or something, MMO is so much for you to afford, noob. I know being noob and dumb is not your fault, I just give you my advice so you could have your own fun without any pressure from a competitive game like MMO where real people actually play, not the machine. IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jul 1, 2013, 11:59:51 PM
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" Dude... enough with the obsessive man-crush. We've fought 1v1 what... 3 times now? And you keep harping and harping and harping. IGN: _Firebitch
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" LOL , where did you get that ? I didn't say anything like : 'A bunch of nonsense directed towards me'. Did you make it up ? Excuse me ? Who is the one keep harping and harping ? Who make up this thread ? If you want to fight , whisper me . Im online and free now. IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jul 2, 2013, 12:04:32 AM
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" No thanks. I'm avoiding you like the plague from now on. No sense in fighting a compulsive liar, who barely squeaks out wins by rushing, then talks shit afterwards. I'd rather poke needles in my eye. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Jul 2, 2013, 12:21:48 AM
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" haha, you called me a liar then admit you lost to me afterward , now who is the lier ? and who is the one doesn't dare to fight me ? Even without rushing , you got beaten by me a few times, I just want to say that rushing is a legit-fair-tactic that exists in all competitive games in the whole wide world , you can take Defenders of The Acients (DOTA), starcraft 1-2, Ages of Empires 1-2, Warhammer, Company of heros as example, they are all famous and competitive game where ppl fight each orthers by their skill (Hand-eye coordination, good reflexes, fast reaction time) and mind (Strategic, tactics, decision-making, flexible-tactic-changing). You are just a noob player who doesn't have skill and mind good enough to overcome the common challenges. Dont make any silly thread like this in the future and dont ever call ppl who use their own tactic to beat you 'sociopath' , it means you are calling all of pro-gamers on the world are 'sociopath' . Everyone has theirs own weakness and only the smart-one know how to cover their weakness by their strength, not like you, just a big mouth. Stay at noob-level with kids and let us pro do the bigger things. IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard Last edited by SunPrice#1666 on Jul 2, 2013, 1:53:03 AM
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lol this guy is better than grindcore
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