Rushing... Legitimate Tactic or Poor Etiquette?
I'm pvp'ing with a summoner at the moment so it takes me a few seconds to get prepared. I only cast clarity then summon skeletons and zombies in that order.
It doesn't take very long as I've specced in to cast speed passives, have cast speed on my wand, and have faster casting linked to my skeles and zombies. What irks me a bit is some higher ranked players, in order to gain an advantage (and pretty much their only chance at winning), rush me with quicksilver flasks. Part of me thinks this is a perfectly fine tactic as it's within the mechanics of the game. Another part of me, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I for one wait for other players, whether I'm a melee playing a caster, vice versa or whatever. To me it's a respectful thing to do, within limits anyways. Casting more than 3 auras is probably over board. 5 - 10 seconds should be more than enough time. What's your guys opinion? Is it fine. In bad taste? IGN: _Firebitch
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shit tactic, in D2 decent people would say "go" before commencing a duel where a-holes would just jump you
In the community we had in LLD in D2 etiquette was really good, no jerks that i can remember. High level was a different story But i wouldn't call these arenas fair, first you cant see or choose who you duel so if you want to switch gear you are very vulnerable before a duel which is dumb and yea for summoners its not fair iether hell i get rushed in 28 pvp i cast 1 aura tempest shield and their on top of me before i can cast molten shell alot of the time, i find those multi flicker maras do it the most |
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rushing is kinda lame for people that need some time to get ready for combat but hey you can always lay a bear trap to welcome them :)
they who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety
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Iv always considered rushing to be one of the "cheapest" strats in dueling, my logic behind this is simple ... when ppl decide to duel they are looking to test their build and strategies against another player at relatively full potential (minus charges of course) so when one party rushes in right off the start they are taking away buffs/aiming/tactical map usage thus defeating the purpose of the duel in my opinion
On the other hand many builds can greatly utilize rushing and are often at their best when doing so, especially blood magic builds with high mobility that can not really make use of buffs, also some ppl rush not for the kill but to see where their opponent may be laying traps... in this way rushing is simply another pvp strat The point can also be made that once the duel begins its a fight win or lose and you must be prepared for whatever may be coming Rushing is a strategy which, at times, can be necessary turning a loss into a win; however in my opinion rushing is indeed quite lame if abused I think a reasonable solution to this issue would be to add a 2-3 second "preperation" timer where players could at least apply some buffs/ raise summons Last edited by Greenbake#1447 on Jun 22, 2013, 11:56:04 AM
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When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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It might be bad etiquette and frowned upon by a lot of players. But its definitely completely legit.
Standard Forever
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Its a perfectly legitimate strat. Sometimes, if your opponent gets all his buffs up, it's impossible to win against them so the only way is to rush. A good example of this is a low life shavs build/block builds/summoner builds. If they can get their full buffs up, they will not lose the match. As a melee, the only buff we really need is hatred so whats the point of waiting for your opponent when it'll only put you at a HUGE disadvantage?
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" This is a legit point forsure ^ however perspective is everything Id say rushing over and jumping on top of someone unaware and getting the "win" is pretty lame considering your not really winning, your beating someone at possibly 1/4 their potential when the rusher doesn't even have to aim due to them standing and trying to buff/summon.. but i do agree that sometimes when you find yourself completely out-geared or at a build v build disadvantage rushing could be used as a LAST RESORT.. just my opinion Last edited by Greenbake#1447 on Jun 23, 2013, 11:18:24 AM
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" Ya that's basically what happens. The player can't win on the merits of their build alone so they rely on their opponent being at half or quarter strength instead. The main problem I have is if the person talks smack afterwards, claiming they won on equal grounds and being a dick about it. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Jun 23, 2013, 11:28:41 AM
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arena is stupid
rushing is bm |
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