Map substainability should not be it's own endgame aka I am done until new content unfortunately

there are many reasons why ppl don't get maps, but nobody investigates WHY they're not getting waystones, but rather are stuck on the fact they are not getting waystones and feel like they should blah blah

You are not getting the point of my post, I know in theory why I am not getting waystones at a rate of others. I can't do things like breach etc as I die and if I do get a map with a boss I will run it one lower than I am currently running otherwise.... yup you got it, I will die.

I have the proper atlas point allocated for map drops but I don't juice my waystones greater than blue because... I will die :>

The point of my post is to question why this mechanic is still there and hoping PoE2 would have an alterative to an issue I have always had in poe1. Although to be fair I stopped playing a few years back because I could never reach the atlas endgame.

My basic thought is, that if I run even a white map and do a complete clear I should at least get 1 waypoint from it at the same level with the % possibility of +1.

Why isn't this the case and the reason for my post? Why is map substainability it's own little end game when it should be a generator to the endgame.

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