Map substainability should not be it's own endgame aka I am done until new content unfortunately

It's been a few weeks since I say I was ok with map (waypoints too long to type) drops but after getting 5/6 way into T13 quest, my inventory started going down.

I am now running T11s and only have 2 left so things are not looking fun. I have half a dozen citadels discoverred and can't even do anything with them. At lvl 85 I am running lvl 77 maps which give little experience, no good drops etc.

Sure there is lot's of advice and at the same people complaining the entire process of getting to towers, juicing proper maps etc is to cumbersome; but why is it even here?

The endgame (at least for me) is getting the T15s, doing citadels etc. Other people's endgame may include the other mechanics in the atlas. I don't know anyone that says their endgame is to collect maps.

Maps are a tool used to get to where you want to go and in the process you can decide you want to use this level in this situation etc. There should not be a complex mechanism in place just to make sure you have enough maps to play the next day.

In the arpg terminalogy, maps are the generators and as a generator should be accessible.

Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 2:22:59 PM
In before the trolls arrive to call you an idiot for having a string of bad luck with drop rates.
In before the trolls arrive to call you an idiot for having a string of bad luck with drop rates.

Anyone that agrees with the devs are trolls?
Last edited by mikeab79#3627 on Feb 10, 2025, 7:49:34 PM
In before the trolls arrive to call you an idiot for having a string of bad luck with drop rates.

Well if it's not that, it's the player who dies too much and lose opportunities to get maps? or the player who's too hasty and want to go up in tier too quickly? not speccing into node that increase map droprate? It can be many reasons.
Tech guy
Warrax#2850 wrote:
In before the trolls arrive to call you an idiot for having a string of bad luck with drop rates.

Well if it's not that, it's the player who dies too much and lose opportunities to get maps? or the player who's too hasty and want to go up in tier too quickly? not speccing into node that increase map droprate? It can be many reasons.

there are many reasons why ppl don't get maps, but nobody investigates WHY they're not getting waystones, but rather are stuck on the fact they are not getting waystones and feel like they should blah blah

biggest thing is atlas passives. these affect so much of how many waystones drop its insane.
also how you roll your waystones. waystone drop chance is just that, a higher chance to get waystones. its gained from more suffix modifiers (waystone difficulties instead of benefits)

if you die, obviously you're not going to get any waystone from it, and you just used one to die. so you can go down in stock pretty dang fast.

also, wanting to just blast into t15s is an issue. the game can't, and shouldn't, just start dropping us all the higher tier waystones instantly. you work your way up to it. this has always been the case and has become so easy now-a-days its insane.

using tablets in towers you can also get more waystone drop chance, and just mods in general.

from my own experience, i have no idea how anyone has any issue with sustaining waystones. i specifically took out all waystone sustain atlas passives because i don't know what to do with all the damn waystones i have, until they release a tab for it which i'll instantly buy.

on average i get 5 usable (13-15s) waystones per waystone. im going to stop running waystones with any suffixes (waystone drop chance) pretty soon.
Part of the problem is in early to mid endgame where you don't have enough exalts to boost waystones and not enough DPS or defense to play boosted maps without dying. I had to pay exalts to keep sustaining until reaching high 80s lvl, at which point I was able to play max juiced maps and eventually got more waystones than I knew what to do with.

Op builds don't have this issue, but most players don't have op builds.
Part of the problem is in early to mid endgame where you don't have enough exalts to boost waystones and not enough DPS or defense to play boosted maps without dying. I had to pay exalts to keep sustaining until reaching high 80s lvl, at which point I was able to play max juiced maps and eventually got more waystones than I knew what to do with.

Op builds don't have this issue, but most players don't have op builds.

right, but the thing is, we shouldn't be playing juiced t15s at that point either though. i think thats the point. people are trying to progress way faster than what GGG expects us to (or even wants us to)

its perfectly fine to farm lower tier maps to gain levels first, and get power progression in order to get currency/gear to play juiced maps. but most people don't want to even consider this and just want to jump into juiced maps immediately after campaign.

then they'll end up making forum posts about how the 1 death per waystone and death xp penalties are all bullshit etc. haha

can't win with this crowd!
xMustard#3403 wrote:
Part of the problem is in early to mid endgame where you don't have enough exalts to boost waystones and not enough DPS or defense to play boosted maps without dying. I had to pay exalts to keep sustaining until reaching high 80s lvl, at which point I was able to play max juiced maps and eventually got more waystones than I knew what to do with.

Op builds don't have this issue, but most players don't have op builds.

right, but the thing is, we shouldn't be playing juiced t15s at that point either though. i think thats the point. people are trying to progress way faster than what GGG expects us to (or even wants us to)

its perfectly fine to farm lower tier maps to gain levels first, and get power progression in order to get currency/gear to play juiced maps. but most people don't want to even consider this and just want to jump into juiced maps immediately after campaign.

then they'll end up making forum posts about how the 1 death per waystone and death xp penalties are all bullshit etc. haha

can't win with this crowd!

People progress too fast because it's too tempting to play higher tier maps for the exp gain and better drops. If crafting and gear drops weren't both trash, then people would have a reason to farm lower tier maps. It just feels like there's no benefit to not progress

People progress too fast because it's too tempting to play higher tier maps for the exp gain and better drops. If crafting and gear drops weren't both trash, then people would have a reason to farm lower tier maps. It just feels like there's no benefit to not progress

A lightly different perspective. I have 420 hours in the game with 3 chars in Maps.

I have a Lvl88 Spark Sorc, but still don't have good enough gear to do fully juiced maps. If I run anything below Lvl15 map I get very little to no XP due to the xp scaling. But if I run anything with too many mods I die and lose the juiced map. If I try and run a Lvl11 Delirium I still die. (Yes I need to Get Gud!)

Without the Juiced map I don't have the currency to buy the next tier of gear. So you get stuck running blue maps so that you might get lucky wit,, but at least get some xp.

I still have only 12 Div and about 300 Exalts but all the gear I need now is 5 to 10 Divs minimum, so its a hard slog to get more funds to buy gear to get able to do better maps etc.

Its that hope that you MAY just succeed on one Juiced map and get good funds and lots of map drops that keep people pushing up, because running lower is so demoralising.
mikeab79#3627 wrote:
In before the trolls arrive to call you an idiot for having a string of bad luck with drop rates.

Anyone that agrees with the devs are trolls?

I don't know if you are disagreeing or agreeing but thxs for the link and the perfect location into the question.

One of the things they had introduced are more boss maps but I also had expressed concern in another thread that the was a negative for those of us that have a 50% of dieing to a map boss. We didn't need more bosses with less map drop chance overall but with a higher death risk.

I also mentioned in another thread that if we die on a map then why not keep the waypoint in the map device so we can retry it or another map. We already lost our exp and the map bonuses from towers.

Regardless, I am getting maps where I might get more than one drop but they are like lvl 7 etc which is useless.

Look at this from a logical standpoint, if one person comlains then it is a single person but if enough have complained that it even becomes a question during that discussion then isn't that proof that the player base is having issues?

I am just taking a different approach to the question, why is map substainability even a thing; especially in this new unlimited, no set map tiers layout?

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