16:10 no longer working 0.1.1c

Same here. Please fix gg game is unpayable currently
We are looking into this.
Thanks GGG for reacting.

I still can't find a repeatable pattern when the game (without a pad) starts in full screen with bars and when it's "glued" to the top of the screen with a gap at the bottom like in one of the screenshots in previous entries - after exiting the start screen and restarting it's different.

When i turn on pad after game start its playable withe this black bars, but not when randomly during the game the screen suddenly switches from fullscreen to windowed by itself when it wants to...

then the performance drops and there is a large drop in frame rate
Ok it's Tuesday and this still hasn't been fixed. I'm done with this game until 1.0. This is bs
Really hope you find the answer quick your killing the handheld community.
Issue is still present.
This has unfortunately made the game unplayable for me. Thanks for the response GGG, I pray for a quick fix, as I was just getting into the endgame, playing every day and loving it, and then this happened.. and well now I haven't played since the patch.

I play on Steam Deck and stream the game from my PC. I run 2304x1440 which is 16:10 to match the aspect ratio of the deck.

Now since the patch there's big black bars on the top and bottom shrinking the viewport and I can't see very well, and as a side effect this issue has made in-game popups during Sekhema trials really screwed up and off-center, as well as nearly bricking my Atlas and making it hard to use due to how the camera is positioned.

This issue occurs when the game detects a controller while using 16:10 aspect ratio, potentially other non-16:9 aspect ratios as well. It's fine with a mouse and keyboard, the black bars will appear and disappear as you switch between them, but the steam deck literally is a controller, so...
Feb 16 and still no fix. Rip handhelds.

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