16:10 no longer working 0.1.1c

Same issue, just have problem like everyone here said. And if i change some gear too my dmg is same and resist which shouldnt occur. Hard to play now, i can use kb and mouse but just got controller so not willing to put aside. Hopefully they will fix this as soon possible. I reported twice ingame but...
Same! I play on PC using controller and 16:10 turns into 16:9, but when I set input mode to mouse+kb or WASD 16:10 works normally. PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!
Same for me. The game screen has some minor bugs all over when using controller.

- 16:10 not working on controller. It reverts to normal when using m&kb
- Sekhemas trial does not have pop up of the boons or afflictions when obtained
- No matter how much I try, the resolution and some settings keep reverting back.
- Starting the game in windowed fullscreen starts the game with the window cut from the bottom. Is fixed when I change to either fullscreen or windowed then revert back .

But the biggest issue of them all is really 16:9 cinematic. This was not happening before update. Hope there's a fix soon !
Same issue here. 16:10 works well with mouse and keyboard, but as soon as I switch to controller input, it reverts to 16:9. There was no issue before the update. It's very annoying to have those black bars.

Less important but another regression for controller users: in the passive tree screen, the values for STR/DEX/INT are completely mixed up.

Same here, please either revert it or at least give us an option to disable the black bars.
I'm playing with a controller on a PC and don't want to see black bars instead of game content, as it makes all the text uncomfortably small on a laptop.
Given the population using 16:10 with controller setups is unusually high given the Deck and Legion Go, and that this was previously working, it would be great to get this fixed ASAP!
I don't know why most of you claim that you can play on a keyboard and don't see a major problem.

Yes, after starting the game it's ok, although the resolutions in the menu are screwed up:

And try using Alt+Tab.
Something like this happens after returning:

- firstly, changing the resolution to some random one:

- secondly - the game "sees" a completely different area for the mouse than the full window mode - e.g. as in the screenshot marked place where Doryiani must be activated (the same is when navigating e.g. in the options window):

- the real window sometimes shows up like this (randomly):

- sometimes both maps (areas and atlas) are broken

in a word - YOU CANNOT PLAY if you are doing something else at the time (e.g. you want to use the store)
but ok, it helps a bit to enable "windowed fullscreen" instead of "fullscreen" - it's better
Last edited by CyberZmora#3857 on Feb 6, 2025, 2:58:30 AM
Yes same issue here, looks like they broke 16:10 for controller input on PC
Same here, play on windows 11 laptop with 4060 RTX, 2560 x 1600 16:10 laptop screen, in game resolution selection is weird and buggier then before, but when in keyborad mouse mode I can somehow make it work in full screen without top bottom black bars after changing the resolution few times ... but as soon as game detects my controller it switches to 16:9 squashed mode with black bars top / bottom and looks really bad and much worse than before.

Please fix this ASAP, it was much better in 0.1.1 pre patch.

I tried reinstalling the game last night but did not help. When I plug in external 16:9 monitor it works properly, but this is inconvenient most of the time for me.
Last edited by manoz82#8043 on Feb 6, 2025, 6:41:50 AM

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