Scammed for 100 Divines in trade. Anything I can do?
" Yeah I haven't played all day, first day since launch I haven't been ripping on PoE 2. I doubt I'll boot up the game again :| |
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it sucks. i feel bad for you guys that have been scammed, obviously you need to pay attention when making big trades.
honestly ive made 1000s, probably 10,000s of trades in poe1 over 12 years and never been scammed once, never even had someone attempt to scam me iirc. but i have heard of these things happening ofc. i think with so many new people in poe2 its a bit wild west, in poe1 i feel like we had a bit more of a regular scene with long term players who were above messing around. being scammed sucks, but what would suck even more is being the sort of person who would scam someone like that. something is dead inside those kind of people and i wouldnt trade 100 mirrors to switch places with them. imagine being unable to feel a connection with other humans like that? psychopath behaviour. life already cursed those people, this is just pixels for us, for them they have to live being that sort of person every day. anyway, reason im posting. it sucks, but this is EA, and its late in the 'league'. theres gonna be a new league soon with a new economy. none of this EA stuff is carrying over to the main standard realm when this game launches, its getting put it a little holding pen to be forgotten about. ultimately nothing matters in this league now. its just monopoly money, might as well be a void league a few weeks away from extinction. so dont worry about it, dont feel bad, fuck it m8s its whatever. good that you learned this now in this league at this point where its all pointless anyway, not in an actual live league a few weeks old, not in a league post launch where all your items will exist forever in standard. this EA server and everything in it is a meaningless muck around test box. poe and your items are absolutely worth caring about, but not in this EA test realm. if youre feeling emotional do yourself a favour, just let it go. its fine. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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Imagine if there were a way to list and buy items from a centralized location.
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
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" Well said and thanks, I ended up just giving my entire build/stash to my friend I've been playing with since launch and uninstalled the game. General consensus seems to be that GGG isn't interested in rectifying situations like this for players sadly. Lesson learned the hard way. |
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One thing you need to realize is that this is a game where there are bots which will whisper for any item that is way below market value the instant it appears on the market, especially for easily priceable ones like uniques. You can test this yourself, take an item worth like a divine and list it for 60ex. Your screen will flood.
So if there is an item sitting there for ten whole minutes at rock-bottom price and it still hasn't sold - alarm bells should be going off in your head. This guy didn't happily sell to the dozens of bots who definitely got to message him first, and he didn't change the price, but he invited like the 39th person to whisper him who happened to be you? Are you really that lucky? If something is too good to be true, it probably is. You can still try and snipe really good deals, thinking they're suckers, but 99.9% of the time it's just a scam and the sucker is you. |
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got response from GGG, basically said we can't help you, and scamming in itself isn't a bannable offense. With this info I'd say scamming is a damn legit way to build currency in the game if you can hide from being ID'd by the community. It also makes perfect sense why there's so many scam listings and the trade site is littered with scammers. Why grind when you can scam with no repercussions other than some gamers saying "scammer!" - especially when you can come up THAT hard off of one user making one mistake, and there's TONS of users to try it on. The reward outweighs the risk by an incredible margin thanks to the current trade system.
I genuinely thought it was an insta-ban, and that GGG would likely reconcile the loss especially in cases where it's such a high amount and the proof is clear. I'm struggling to understand why there's even a report for scamming option. it's a total non-issue until it happens to you and you're left like holy shit... that was fast. And zero can be done about it. I've genuinely lost respect for the integrity of the game through this process. Scam, RMT, boosting etc seems more common than people grinding in the late game. |
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" Real life simulator . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version |
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Avoid buying unidentified uniques in this version of the game as there was a bug where players could see the stats on an item (identify item, crash client or dc, log back in, server resumes progress to before identification happened) while leaving it as unidentified and then sell the crappy item for a lot. Of course u could still divine it but it's likely a scam.
Nothing can be done to help your problem. The only suggestion is to block that user so u don't interact with them anymore. Last edited by c0rnel#6051 on Feb 5, 2025, 6:58:22 AM
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" its just too hard to work out if its a real scam or not across every instance of this in a satisfactory way. unless the investigation is extremely thorough this would be rife with griefing people, reversing trades, reverse scamming. sell something unid, it gets id, what now? u cant undo whats been done, what if i scam you for 100 div and then i instantly trade that 100 div to other players for stuff? do ggg take your divs from these other players who made legit trades? its just too messy, the amount of hours it would take to investigate every report of a scam or a service unfulfilled etc, its too much. the proof is clear to you, but it might take a an hour+ of work for it to be clear to the investigator and for them to track down your divines etc. in poe1 chris basically said they have 3 million+ individual accounts log in during busy leagues, how many 1000s of support hours would it be dealing with this? if they got 100 people working there they would probably need an extra 50 just to change this policy. sometimes it probably needs 2+ hours of going through logs for 1 incident. they have said in the past that they dont ban someone for 1 scam accusation but if a person keeps getting reported then action can be taken against them. maybe support are just too stretched atm to even promise that. " i wouldnt presume theyre bots. on the trade site you can open whats called a live search, i can say a rare with these mods or a unique etc under this specific price, set live search and any time one comes on the market i get a ping. when i was trading a lot in poe1 i would have 5 or 6 live searches up all the time, pings going off i instantly message the person, im hitting them up within 5 seconds of the item being listed. i would be messaging upwards of 100 people a day like that. if i cared more i should have had 30 live searches going at all times, and i expect a lot of pro traders did. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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Auction House, Auction House, Auction House !!!
Of GGG and PoE1 are much more thrilled by the current trade mess, wich make me think either they are directly profiting from it or (in GGG case) they lack the technical know how to put an Auction House in game. |
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