If melee is so hard to design, why does Barbarian feel great in every single Diablo game?

melee bad
also monk - most OP build in game lol

alot of people are refering to trumelee whenever they talk about melee.

monk can shoot out so many projectiles its practically a mage with a melee weapon.

but that aside, i've recently tried quarterstaff. even if we ignore the "projectile" skills, damn it's quite fast and responsive. has good aoe/clear and feel really fun as a melee option

tbh i m blown away at how fast the weapon feels. especially when the weapon makes the player dash towards enemies at a generous distance.
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Adding to all of these. Why is 2 handed a trap? Simply put, you cannot tank as you want to without a shield. With a shield, you absolutly can walk towards the mobs and stay there and not move.
And one handing 2 handeds is a trap. Triple requirement is too high. Getting that perfect weapon will cost you a lot and it will restrict your build enourmosly. Maybe its something you can respec to at the very end, but not while leveling.
Simply put, if your weapon has less than 1.40 speed, you are going to have problems.

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