Now we see the terrible influence of Consoles and Tencent
Path of Exile has a 13+ year history of being a 100% PC ONLY game. Every menue, every mechanic, every fight was designed to work best by useing Keyboard & Mouse. And with this in mind Path of Exile and so GGG gathered a huge fanbase and long term Supporters. Some of them spending hundrets if not thousends of real world $ Dollars.
Then came Tencent and the seduction of money. Sorry, I do not belive GGG it was their idear to bring Console Ports! It am sure it was presure from Tencent with the Asian market in mind. And the NEGATIVE influence is directly noteble in several steps: AUTO AIM BOT If we, the player, would create and use a AIM BOT our accounts would be INTA PERMA BANED! It is a direct violation of GGGs own term of service agreement. But to be able to play a game like PoE handycaped Controler users need it. Else they wouldn't be able to kill a single white Zombi. mainstreaming talent Trees The atlas tree reminds me more of Diablo IVs fireball tree where you chose 5% more damage or 5% more crit damage and that's it. Sero depth, sero choise. But the char-trees aren't much better. Don't know if there is a heat-map somewhere but I'm sure it would look super boring as every char uses the same pathes and passives with maybe the exception of max 5 points :(. And this again I'm convicent had been done by presure from Tencent to get their no-skill ADHD console kiddys into PoE 2. The large, complicate and MEANINGFULL tress in PoE 1 are a big point why long term supporters like me loved PoE 1. You realy had the choise how YOU designe your char! Sure, many just copy&past builds from random streamers. But if you choised to and invested the time the most satisfying moments of PoE 1 had been when you managed to get YOUR selve made build finely running :). Even my Day -14 Invoker Ice Monk (told my friends 2 weeks pre launch this is my char) ... I do not feel the same satisfaction :(. His gear, tree, skills, support gems look very likely like any other Invoker Icestrike Monk. It feels like there is just ONE way to do it with sero choise. And why? Tencent & consoles! FORCAST Cash Shop IS COMING! Where you can buy Exalts, Divines, Chaos for real money. Where you get Loot-Boxes with "chance to get this super duper uber weapon". Where you can buy exp-doubler and more inventory slots. Tencent wants it for their ADHD army of zombi consol kiddos! And as GGG now is 100% owned by Tencet ... IT WILL COME I Last edited by Schakar#4083 on Jan 30, 2025, 10:14:43 AM Last bumped on Feb 3, 2025, 2:41:25 AM
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nah this isn't real.
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As long term player and supporter of GGG and PoE 1 I feel betrayed.
And if you take "long term supporter" as "long therm investor" ... I would pull out all my invested money if I could. Sadly this is not an option for normal people :(. |
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" Lol, that bandit quest made nothing at all clear. All i know was I was playing through campaign with my friend and then my minions killed him. Only reason I knew I had killed him was the pvp achievement. I thought it was a bug for months. "Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
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you own fault playing the most cookiecutter invoker
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" Of course I would not. But maybe not the reason you belive :). PoE is "free to play". But PoE 1 was good and it was realy a "Indy game made by enthusiasts" which I happy supported by spending 30,-€ every now and then. Not every league but every second or third. And over 13 years this became quit a chunk of money for just 1 game. There aren't many other games that made me do this! Stellaris, Rimworld, Oxygen not Included, Path of Exile (uh oh, no AAA titles *g*). But PoE 2? NOP, will not happen if they keep this console/tencent-first behavior! GGG is NO 3-man-indy company anymore! Absolut no reason to keep my fanboy-behavior. EDIT: " If you red my post: I planed it 2 weeks before launche when there was no invoker-hype. Char created day 2 (never play on release/patch days). Do you expect me to delete my char just as it become the new FOTM? For sure not :). Last edited by Schakar#4083 on Jan 30, 2025, 10:38:25 AM
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im using controller now, fk keyboard and mouse, twin stick is just better for actual gameplay. im 43 years old, never owned a console, i bought diablo1 on release, had an amiga with a keyboard and mouse as a kid.
the devs actually talked about using controllers long ago, they went to a dev conference thing and i think some people showed them how their game could work on controllers? they talked about being surprised about how good it was. this is way back man, years and years before poe2 was ever a thing iirc. " lol. come on m8, ur a fellow regal supporter, u know better than this. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Having the OPTION to use controler fine. Having the OPTION to use AIM BOTs ... not realy fine, I'm strikly AGAINST THIS no matter why it exists!! Being forced to use it as you clearly notice: everything is designed around controler ... SUCKS! For the shop: sadly and knowing the china-shop of PoE 1 ... future is pitch black GGG now is just another studio inside a multi billion dollar publisher equal to t EA (RiP), Ubisoft (RiP), Microsoft, Amazon Games and all the others. In this case Tencent. Indy-developer-title LOST. Last edited by Schakar#4083 on Jan 30, 2025, 10:49:47 AM
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Help Help im being repressed
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"They literally released the xbox port in August, 2017. Stopped reading there as I assume the rest of your post is just as uninformed. |
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