Anyone else finding endgame really unsatisfying so far compared to POE 1?

You compare the endgame for a 12+ years released game with an Early Access?
Why people keep comparing 10 years of content VS a game that's not even done developping? there's so many low IQ takes in these forums it's crazy. The way people compare things is so delusional.
Tech guy
Its boring beyond belief, run around kill rares, sometimes a map boss.

Last Epoch at least has variety on how to complete each map.
I think the maps feel more satisfying compared to PoE1.

I think the reasons for this are two fold, the first knowing it's one and done. While this has its own downsides, it does provide a pretty real sense of victory (though I do think the negative sides outweigh the positive in this case).

The second is the map view itself, providing a very real sense moving towards an objective. Being able to count down until a Delirium or expedition or boss, or stronghold, rather than just going "Oh, I guess there's an expedition here". But having the map set up so you see the web of options replaces the passive random feeling with a degree of agency and being able to self select small objectives.

Given the tone of the OP's post, I think they're conflating 'rewarding' with satisfaction, which is a whole different set of thoughts.

In addition, to those 'It's so dull, you walk around, kill some rares, and sometimes a boss'. What do you think is different between this and PoE1 maps? Both are "clear out rares / space for drops, do events, do boss", it's just that bosses in PoE2 are an event, rather than a semi-mandatory thing
I'd like to choose which content I can interact with. Hopefully they add blight and ultimatum to the pool of area modifiers as well. And rework mana so I can use quill rain.
I think the maps feel more satisfying compared to PoE1.

I think the reasons for this are two fold, the first knowing it's one and done. While this has its own downsides, it does provide a pretty real sense of victory (though I do think the negative sides outweigh the positive in this case).

The second is the map view itself, providing a very real sense moving towards an objective. Being able to count down until a Delirium or expedition or boss, or stronghold, rather than just going "Oh, I guess there's an expedition here". But having the map set up so you see the web of options replaces the passive random feeling with a degree of agency and being able to self select small objectives.

Given the tone of the OP's post, I think they're conflating 'rewarding' with satisfaction, which is a whole different set of thoughts.

In addition, to those 'It's so dull, you walk around, kill some rares, and sometimes a boss'. What do you think is different between this and PoE1 maps? Both are "clear out rares / space for drops, do events, do boss", it's just that bosses in PoE2 are an event, rather than a semi-mandatory thing

I'd prefer the atlas to be more crafted than it is now. Instead of making it infinite make some directions have more, or only, of certain areas. Like a vast desert that eventually leads to desert pinnacle boss(es) in towers of their own. Similar to how Zelda: Breath of the wild did it's environments.
Poe 1 endgame is 10x better than Poe 2.
what concerns me most is not the quality of the endgame but rather the return on investment in terms of time spent on PoE1 vs. PoE2 endgame.

I love zooming in on PoE1, not because I'm a fan of speed, but because it allows me to quickly accumulate wealth and feel that my character is progressing rapidly from hour to hour. My xpgrows rapidly, and I can buy new equipment every day to make my character better.

on PoE2, overall slowness isn't a concern. what is a problem is that the quality of experience and loot is similar to that of PoE1's end game. Except that it takes 10x longer to complete a map and accumulate the same amount of loot... GGG's intentionally slow pace could be compensated for by better loot quality and greater experience / mob.

regarding the lack of endgame content, PoE2 is currently just a copy/paste of PoE1's content. This will no longer be the case in a few years' time, when several leagues with original content will be produced.
for sure poe1 is more satisfying, because its a finished game with 12 years of endgame expansions vs a first sketch of an endgame idea thrown together in 2 months to meet a deadline for the beta test were playing about a year away from being fit for release.

but its not a completely meaningless topic, whats it missing? what needs to change? those are important questions.

i think the basic reward system starts falling apart after act 3. by the time you get to endgame the core loop of kill monster get cool item is a mess.

crafting is bad, you just use orbs to identify an item in stages with essentially no control at all.

normal essences are absolutely trash and need fundamentally redesigned, they are not compatible with the item system if we want them to have a reason to exist.

greater essences dont exist.

crafting omens that are not useless trash dont exist.

theres no unique items with a level past act 3 on the majority of bases.

so you add these together with a design philosophy that gear is harder to find, our average gear should be further away from perfect than it was in poe1 (which as a concept im completely fine with) and the result is the basic reward loop that drives an arpg and a sense of agency in your gear progression is seriously lacking.

i think the atlas idea is inspired, it could be the best platform for core endgame systems in any arpg. but its just a first sketch. i like the feeling of 1 portal, i like the feeling that maps are bigger, slower and they matter.

feels like we got 40 maps and 20 bosses. we need 120 of both. we got 1 little encounter with the unqiue vendor we need 10 little encounters like this. theres 1 unique map we need 20. we need a system of markers, notations and navigations, we need pathing improvements, we need more biomes that come from the other 3 acts, we need the full decorations for our hideouts, we need twice as many mechanics going on. strongboxes are shit, ritual is shit, essences are shit, breach is way op. the mechs we have need significant changes.

once all thats done itll be ready for 1.0 release and it will probably be, for my tastes, better than poe1 endgame.

and then we will start getting expansions, we need more bosses, more mechanics, more unique maps, encounters, mix it up. we need to get the atlas beyond the point where you feel like you really know exactly everything thats potentially out there. thats when the magic will happen and the atlas system will transcend.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I agree little with that but we will get more satisfyng things to poe 2. Divinition cards coming back and many more things weich opens up more variaty. Strongboxes might a thing if div Cards are back soon. They wanna add many many more endgamecontent classes uniques etc.

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