A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

So 6 years in development, and an additional delay, and now they are delaying development of the product that got them the cash in the first place...
the answer he Should have provided is what changes were made to correct this, for example some senior executive's retirement or removal due to incompetence.
the hiring of an additional group for development, etc.

on a positive note, he didn't say they are canceling anything...
BB GGG. Time for another game.
Time to review bomb in steam in 3-2-1.
Alatikus#7759 wrote:
"PoE1 players often do not like PoE2" - like we are some backward degenerate unwanted remnant of the past.

seems half the new poe2 player base think the same.

enjoy your new game guys.
i wonder how many of you w ill be playing in 3 months time.
I can't stand all these people saying POE2 is way way better than POE1, guys, please just stop, POE 1 and 2 are different games, many people don't like POE2 and vice versa, why would you shame all the people here saying they aren't good with this vid just because YOU like POE2 ?

Kind reminder that GGG said they'll keep POE1 on tracks and yet it's falling down slowly, stop protecting them like white knights.

I love GGG like y'all, but still, if they said X, they have to keep X, if not then it's a shitstorm coming for them.
This means you're going to fix the big bug that ends up in a PC completely freezing right? You will finally have some devs working on that?
Only 3 consideratios.

1:Where is Chris? He quit?

2:Admitting incompetence is admirable but its not helping

3:Making more promises after that is funny

I will be playing poe2 once fully released.


Is this a late april fool's joke ?
Hey guys sucket it up is not like you pay tons of money to play the game! the game is free, spending money was optiuonal! and is been more than 10 years of POE 1 and i fu-cking love it! but now is time to let POE 2 grow up and be as amazing as POE 1! Dont be so hard on the developers they trying their best and i know that because POE 1 is free and POE 2 it will be free too ( buying it still optional you can still go and play you 80€ AAA game) and there is not many games with so much content out there for free or even so 20€ beta..... and dont give me the bollocks of - what about the time i spend on it?.... well that was Optional too! is not like the developers made you play the game!.

for the developers well in my opinion i think you doing a great work and i know how hard it is to know that you wont reach the schedule and you still have hope that youll make it! Like good old Rengoku from Demon Slayer say - Set your heart ablaze and move foward! ^_^

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