Alot of things in the 0.1.1 Patch Did not take on Console!

Previous patch they falsely claimed to have fixed "Bell aggressive targeting" , this new patch is supposed to fix that further so i was curious to DL the game and test the changes ... though 2x0 is still 0 ... but i choose not to DL the game again due to this new nerf that bricked my build , reports of the update ruining gamepad controls , re-enabling HIDE LOOT function , and on and on ...

I'm at the point where i ain't pissed anymore at the tragic state of this console port , because according to the leaks GGG only affected a couple of poor guys who worked their ass off to make console ports work . You can do only so much with so little resources so i won't throw stones at the little guys . But the fucking problem here is GGG piss-poor management itself that has been & still is completely disconnected from the seriousness of the situation .

"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 7, 2025, 3:14:31 PM
And what about performance ?? I stopped playing because of the fps drop , its unplayable , even with the lowest settings possible... whenever my herald's chain reaction kill kicks in its down to 10 fps, whenever i start a ritual or breach, its 5-10 fps , whenever i kill a rare monster its a brutal fps drop, and that's pretty much everything you do in a gameplayloop, died so manytimes to rituals cause its just turns in into a powerpoint slideshow..freaking pathetic. And ppl dont even mention the performance issue, i mean..just wow. Standards level = below zero. They're happy with it.

I can’t even help you there, I have no frame issues at all

I would love to see you doing juiced breach or ritual with graph on, can you record this ?

Didn’t know you could have it on permanently, only time I see it is if I pause and select options
As for running breach etc, I do so with Ice Invoker(one herald, not a multi herald and cast on build) with no problems.
Options I use are top one ticked, FSR and no upscaling (as I have a 4k device and tv, afaik the rest is default)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 11, 2025, 12:20:35 AM
爲什麽 我舉報銷售脚本網站。管理員要封停我的賬戶。就因爲我發帖舉報??
Didn’t know you could have it on permanently, only time I see it is if I pause and select options
As for running breach etc, I do so with Ice Invoker(one herald, not a multi herald and cast on build) with no problems.
Options I use are top one ticked, FSR and no upscaling (as I have a 4k device and tv, afaik the rest is default)

If you press F1 graph shows up permamently
Didn’t know you could have it on permanently, only time I see it is if I pause and select options
As for running breach etc, I do so with Ice Invoker(one herald, not a multi herald and cast on build) with no problems.
Options I use are top one ticked, FSR and no upscaling (as I have a 4k device and tv, afaik the rest is default)

If you press F1 graph shows up permamently

On PC yes but we’re talking console so I have to wonder if there is a comparable bind
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by mono-postman2#8066 on Feb 12, 2025, 6:56:09 AM
On PC yes but we’re talking console so I have to wonder if there is a comparable bind

Same on console can you record this ?

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