And what about performance ?? I stopped playing because of the fps drop , its unplayable , even with the lowest settings possible... whenever my herald's chain reaction kill kicks in its down to 10 fps, whenever i start a ritual or breach, its 5-10 fps , whenever i kill a rare monster its a brutal fps drop, and that's pretty much everything you do in a gameplayloop, died so manytimes to rituals cause its just turns in into a powerpoint slideshow..freaking pathetic. And ppl dont even mention the performance issue, i mean..just wow. Standards level = below zero. They're happy with it.
I can’t even help you there, I have no frame issues at all
What ? You sure mate ? You play on consoles ? And when mapping you have no frame dips or drops at all ??
Posted bySfirita9481#8302on Jan 20, 2025, 11:37:40 AM
And what about performance ?? I stopped playing because of the fps drop , its unplayable , even with the lowest settings possible... whenever my herald's chain reaction kill kicks in its down to 10 fps, whenever i start a ritual or breach, its 5-10 fps , whenever i kill a rare monster its a brutal fps drop, and that's pretty much everything you do in a gameplayloop, died so manytimes to rituals cause its just turns in into a powerpoint slideshow..freaking pathetic. And ppl dont even mention the performance issue, i mean..just wow. Standards level = below zero. They're happy with it.
I can’t even help you there, I have no frame issues at all
What ? You sure mate ? You play on consoles ? And when mapping you have no frame dips or drops at all ??
Had 3 complete crashes and 2 kicked to login screen. Never once seen (I don’t sit watching the options applet) any noticeable frame drops since before jan 1st
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Posted byTimbo Zero#8289on Jan 20, 2025, 1:59:52 PM
When Charm IS used, a Icon appear next to your buffs.
Its short, because IT Last 3-4sec.
Charms are Bad atm , they need more charges and or longer Usertime and faster recharge
Posted bynathandark84#9725on Jan 20, 2025, 3:17:36 PM
Agree with all the points brought up,
Aiming is the worst implementation i have ever seen in any game, even autoshooters that just shoot the closest enemy because it is at least predictable what will be attacked.
1. Find monster pack
2. Back while aiming at them
3. Throw curse
4. Curse lands behind you
5. Spend 1/3 of your mana again to try and curse
5. Curse and hope it goes where you look/aim
There is almost no predictability where my hits will land on console, i dont have the same issue on my SteamDeck for POE1, did you vaal the code?
The one portal thing? I still hope its just an experiment and that they want to gather data i just don't like being the punching bag for that experiment. If 1 portal isn't split off into ruthless on launch i will just stop playing...
Theres nothing that is so demoralizing in this game as the "suckerpunch and nutkick" combo move that 1 portal+exp loss is, that mechanic is the primary thing that makes me stop playing for days sometimes when you die to offscreen bs, lag spikes (breach and ritual).
In POE1 i could at least make the call to go in and risk dying more or at least get the boss loot if you traded or died to some bs.
I dont get why the game designers are so keen on assuming everyone wants ruthless...its for sure not the most popular game mode in POE1 to my memory, just stop abusing us in your little experiment GGG, its not hard its just bs.
I really needed to get that out...
Posted byphryx#2310on Jan 20, 2025, 3:42:42 PM
Yes we Got a loot filter hip hip hurray, and new Towers and beams of light for Citidels & 6 retry for Arbitor But that is it ...
Were missing ALOT of QOL improvements that PC Received, we even got Some QOL things taken away, like before the 0.1.1 patch i was able to use my keyboard to type in chat that has been taken away my KB no longer works so I ordered a controller keyboard let's see if it works..
List of stuff that has been taken from Consoles or just not Added
1. No UI for Charms (PC got that)
2. Can no longer L3 Click on gem to see what Gem cutters are going to Do..
3. On death effects still very much a Huge problem i have hours of gameplay of this bs.
4. Tradeboard works Only Half the time
5. The Atlas sometimes just bugs out and you have to shut it down and Reload because it's a literal box you can't leave (glitched)
6. Aiming on Range Characters that's just laughable it's an ARPG no one's trying to use triggers for attacks, Automatic aim sucks.
7. I have Hundreds of cosmetics from PoE1 and not 1 works no hideouts just the same 4 you get on atlas I have atleast 50 on PoE1
8. The checkpoints in Maps was rushed and is kinda pointless tbh, you start off you grab the CP and run to the end and grab the other CP notice in the middle there are monsters guess what it's the same distance either way (rushed) how bout just add Real movement skills, like dash, and flame dash and not make us have to allocate 30 spirit to use is. Crazy.
And last but not definitely not least
The endgame is just bad. The 1 portal is just bad it's not fun, it feels like work and you have to sweat but with everything like Death effects not working it makes it 3xs harder then the XP loss I'm Lvl 93 and surprised I've even made it that far with the junk I've had to put up with on console,
Its tedious and feels like you just play the same 10 maps over and over and over and over again with the same outcome.
My opinion, Bring back 6 portals if people wanna play 1 portal they can go to the 1 portal league but us casual players we don't want that never did when it was announced I laughed at the stupid idea. It's way to punishing to lose 10XP per death while also losing all your loot.
Here's an idea if you're that stuck in your ways how about a compromise, how bout if you're in party play you give 1 portal to each player but allow the revive option in endgame, and if you're playing solo you give more then 1 portal. It's only far and I assure you the community will be happy and buy more supporter packs I know I will. But as of right now it's just not it guys.
Tradeboard? To my knowledge we don't have a trade board unless I'm missing something.
i think he is related to the Tradeside issuses, - It is bugging around and cant be used - and console players postet, that items from Console dont update correctly on the Trade website
for example.
Sometimes your items dissapear on Tradesite ( U can see all ur sale items, when u search ur Forum name ) Or dont Update.
U switch price in stash and after 10 Minutes its still not updatet.
There is someting wrong between the Console Stashs and the Tradewebsite.
Sometimes, when i trow an item in mey Divine Priced stash - it will never show up, unless i price it directly with a fix price on item - Sometimes i dont need it, and the stash is working correctly.
These are Weird happenings, and i hope it will get fixed soon.
But i dont think this is priority Nr. 1
First priority ist Performance, Atlas Map propblems, UI and Button Functions for Console,
The Trade market is just a feature and not mandatory
Posted bynathandark84#9725on Jan 21, 2025, 4:56:41 AM
A lot of 0.1.1 improvements are straight up lies , such as "less aggressive targeting" .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale
ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Posted byAshyev#5110on Jan 21, 2025, 5:37:21 PM
And what about performance ?? I stopped playing because of the fps drop , its unplayable , even with the lowest settings possible... whenever my herald's chain reaction kill kicks in its down to 10 fps, whenever i start a ritual or breach, its 5-10 fps , whenever i kill a rare monster its a brutal fps drop, and that's pretty much everything you do in a gameplayloop, died so manytimes to rituals cause its just turns in into a powerpoint slideshow..freaking pathetic. And ppl dont even mention the performance issue, i mean..just wow. Standards level = below zero. They're happy with it.
I can’t even help you there, I have no frame issues at all
lol ok dude. everyone on every console has performance problems except you. youre straight up lying or legitimately too stupid to notice
Posted byFelyneFine#9017on Jan 21, 2025, 10:00:29 PM
Una music still don't play ither. (On ps5)
Posted byKaotic-Ouch#9400on Jan 21, 2025, 11:58:47 PM
And what about performance ?? I stopped playing because of the fps drop , its unplayable , even with the lowest settings possible... whenever my herald's chain reaction kill kicks in its down to 10 fps, whenever i start a ritual or breach, its 5-10 fps , whenever i kill a rare monster its a brutal fps drop, and that's pretty much everything you do in a gameplayloop, died so manytimes to rituals cause its just turns in into a powerpoint slideshow..freaking pathetic. And ppl dont even mention the performance issue, i mean..just wow. Standards level = below zero. They're happy with it.
I can’t even help you there, I have no frame issues at all
lol ok dude. everyone on every console has performance problems except you. youre straight up lying or legitimately too stupid to notice
this guy is a GGG plant, he knows he has issues he just won't admit it or he's the 0.01% that actually doesn't have issues which is statistically unlikely lol
Posted byHafnorr#8879on Jan 21, 2025, 11:59:33 PM