coin purchase on ps5 not being credited in game (poe2)

Bought 3 x 100 coins without looking at this thread , what a mistake sale over and still no coins !!!
Contacted Grindinggear support got an email start of week saying we can help , asked for transaction history sent that all via email to get nothing back for 4 days ???
Any help or advice much appreciated because the feeling of getting ripped off doesn’t sit well with me ..
As GGG staff suggested, downloading poe 1, I went into microtransactions tab and clicked on buy points, the points bought from poe2 ps store reload

GGG should pin this advice and make an announcement
Same problem here, buyed 200 points pack two weeks ago for buying map stash and nothing credited...
Support contacted and ask me account name and some character name but since have no reply... 😞
Still haven't recieved my coins either. It's only been a few hours. No reply from support.

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