Devs wont be back until next week

Going to take 6 months to get this game to a place of "fun." I wouldn't worry about their return. They've got a lot of work to do finishing the acts. Then they will probably dedicate more team to making it fun. I pray.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Alivkos#3986 wrote:
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).

Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.

I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.

Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.

I missed the part where game is developed.
They didnt even fix 1 rare per map bug which occurs very frequently and especially in crypt/oasis.
All they did in almost a month since game's release is nerf one ranger ability and massively nerf all the cast on x abilities which lowered the playable builds by a huge chunk.
Game's trash and it needs being actually developed.
This aint early access, this is The Day Before.
If you believe in GGG post tencent purchase i got bad news for you buddy.

Oh well you joined in 2021 so like, you cant even know when and why GGG was loved and respected, was being the key word

You missed the part where the game is developed? How exactly have you missed the fact that IT EXISTS... would be pretty hard for us to be playing this beta if the game hadn't been developed at all.

You also must have missed the whole patch notes section of the forums, you might want to check it out.
morlin#4942 wrote:
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).

Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.

I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.

Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.

This irrelevant argument has been beaten to a pulp already

Does the definition or the term matter at all?

By the end of the day when you release a product to the public you are fully responsible for it.

Early access may excuse the lack of polishing but not abandonment in favor for vacationing, regardless of time of the year. Common business practices

Words have meaning, without them people cannot communicate with each other.

Asking if the definition of a term matters at all has got to be the dumbest thing I've read today.

The game is not abandoned, it is the holidays and like most other advanced countries that are not named USA most non-essential services and businesses close for 2 weeks.
raV#3445 wrote:
This also means that 1 month after release the devs have been on vacation for longer than they have been working on the game.

Wow! They made PoE2 in less than a month!? That's impressive! If its this good with less than a month of them working on the game, imagine how good it will be with just a few more months!

Last edited by CycloneJack#6077 on Dec 31, 2024, 10:34:48 AM
raV#3445 wrote:
This also means that 1 month after release the devs have been on vacation for longer than they have been working on the game.

Wow! They made PoE2 in less than a month!? That's impressive! If its this good with less than a month of them working on the game, imagine how good it will be with just a few more months!


sorry english is not my native language
which part of "after release" did you not understand ? maybe i can explain it better
raV#3445 wrote:
raV#3445 wrote:
This also means that 1 month after release the devs have been on vacation for longer than they have been working on the game.

Wow! They made PoE2 in less than a month!? That's impressive! If its this good with less than a month of them working on the game, imagine how good it will be with just a few more months!


sorry english is not my native language
which part of "after release" did you not understand ? maybe i can explain it better

Possibly the fact that the game isn't yet released, and likely won't be for about a year.
Im sure theyre going to make a BS video saying "We've heard your feedback over the past month and have gone ahead and nerfed the Sorc like you all asked" and then change nothing else.
The studio made more than 100 million dollars on the POE2 launch.

If people try to tell me they can't be bothered to have anyone at the office to follow up the product people paid for for more than two weeks right after launch, I'm going to tell you what that means:


That's it.
eldheim#2436 wrote:
The studio made more than 100 million dollars on the POE2 launch.

If people try to tell me they can't be bothered to have anyone at the office to follow up the product people paid for for more than two weeks right after launch, I'm going to tell you what that means:


That's it.

Wow. That's a nice big, and completely made up, number you got there.

It is the holiday season. Almost every developed country in the world, that is not named USA, see the majority of business basically shutdown for these 2 weeks. Hell, even military drop down to the absolute minimum manning needed to keep the lights on (and call people back if the world catches on fire).

Also, game hasn't launched, it started open beta.
raV#3445 wrote:
Tomorrow is still a holiday and then there is only thursday and friday left which probably a lot of people will take off to extend their vacation, which means the office wont be fully functional until next week.
This also means that 1 month after release the devs have been on vacation for longer than they have been working on the game.

Holy entitlement, Batman!

PoE2 has been in development for years.

Here's their first announcement video, from five years ago:

Here's their second announcement video, from three years ago:

After years of working on the game, you're really going to begrudge them a couple of weeks of X-Mas break? Really?

People... GGG have dropped content in early December, and then followed it with a 2 week holiday, every year for years now. This is not new! And no, they don't need to change it this year just because you feel entitled to every waking moment of their time. Crunch culture is bad. I want GGG's team to be back at work on Monday, well-rested and happy after spending time with family, in the right headspace to do good work. And I want that for everybody, not just GGG.

I strongly recommend that you touch some grass... or some freshly-fallen snow, depending on your local weather patterns. Take a break from the game, if it's doing this to you. You can come back in two weeks and see what changes are in the works -- we'll have an update by then.
Stay sane, exiles!
Last edited by NicknamesOfGod#1810 on Dec 31, 2024, 11:34:04 AM

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