You fell in love with a development studio owned by a Chinese(!) multi-billion dollar(!) company(!)? You are in for a VERY rough awakening, buddy.
It wasnt until about a year ago that this happened and ggg existed for many years before that
Posted byraV#3445on Dec 31, 2024, 10:00:02 AM
On a more personal side of things. Do I prefer being able to play the game during holidays in its current, unfinished state or would I prefer them to delay it for January?
I prefer they released it in January instead so they could fix exploitative bugs as soon as possible. Because this is a multiplayer game for the majority of people after all and some individuals actions affect everyone.
But if they absolutely had to do it the way they did, i'd prefer that they left atleast some programmers working on call to chyme in whenever needed
I am of course talking about MF scaling and MM shield glitch that could very easily be tuned
IGN = Morlinus
Posted bymorlin#4942on Dec 31, 2024, 10:03:15 AM
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).
Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.
Well no wonder people acts spoiled, the thing is that it's the other way around with GGG you pay to enter their beta while their full release is free. People that get emotional just because they sent money should calm down a little.
Tech guy
Posted byWarrax#2850on Dec 31, 2024, 10:04:21 AM
On a more personal side of things. Do I prefer being able to play the game during holidays in its current, unfinished state or would I prefer them to delay it for January?
I prefer they released it in January instead so they could fix exploitative bugs as soon as possible. Because this is a multiplayer game for the majority of people after all and some individuals actions affect everyone.
But if they absolutely had to do it the way they did, i'd prefer that they left atleast some programmers working on call to chyme in whenever needed
I am of course talking about MF scaling and MM shield glitch that could very easily be tuned
Release right before vacation seems like a stupid decision.
Posted byStrykerxS77x#8221on Dec 31, 2024, 10:05:46 AM
Just because you, and a very vocal minority, don't like a design decision does not make it a bad one.
There isn't a lot of feedback coming in, there's just a lot of whining by people that want an easy mode win button.
I don't think it's clear at all if it's a "vocal minority" without actual numbers—something like a sentiment analysis, deduplicated by username.
But also, saying that is such an overused way to just tell someone that their opinion doesn't matter. It's really annoying.
Whether or not it's "bad" is irrelevant. The point of feedback is to determine if people like it. And whether you like it or not, what you describe as "whining" is still feedback.
Only a vocal minority come to the forums, the rest either quit the game (which retention says is not a significant problem) or are playing it.
Posted byValsacar#0268on Dec 31, 2024, 10:10:52 AM
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).
Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.
I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.
Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.
Posted byValsacar#0268on Dec 31, 2024, 10:12:11 AM
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).
Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.
I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.
Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.
So true/correct but just looking at the forum for feedback there is pure vitriol towards where the EA state is at the moment.
Less so people hoping their builds will not be nerfed or others hoping other builds than that they are playing will be.
It’s bordering on a toxic place, and that’s simply bad PR
I have also noted that the majority of the pseudo ‘positive’ posts for poe2 have come from those with the least amount of badges and/or haven’t played its predecessor for years
This game is a sequel and should be better than poe1, whether it is or not I will leave to others to decide whilst I continue to play, wait for changes and decide eventually if I will support it more than I have or not
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division) Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Dec 31, 2024, 10:20:19 AM
Posted byTimbo Zero#8289on Dec 31, 2024, 10:16:25 AM
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).
Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.
I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.
Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.
This irrelevant argument has been beaten to a pulp already
Does the definition or the term matter at all?
By the end of the day when you release a product to the public you are fully responsible for it.
Early access may excuse the lack of polishing but not abandonment in favor for vacationing, regardless of time of the year. Common business practices
IGN = Morlinus
Posted bymorlin#4942on Dec 31, 2024, 10:19:45 AM
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).
Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.
I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.
Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.
I missed the part where game is developed.
They didnt even fix 1 rare per map bug which occurs very frequently and especially in crypt/oasis.
All they did in almost a month since game's release is nerf one ranger ability and massively nerf all the cast on x abilities which lowered the playable builds by a huge chunk.
Game's trash and it needs being actually developed.
This aint early access, this is The Day Before.
If you believe in GGG post tencent purchase i got bad news for you buddy.
Oh well you joined in 2021 so like, you cant even know when and why GGG was loved and respected, was being the key word
Last edited by Alivkos#3986 on Dec 31, 2024, 10:24:57 AM
Posted byAlivkos#3986on Dec 31, 2024, 10:23:21 AM
There is no such thing as paid early access. Once a developer starts taking money from customers, the game is released. These games can only be in beta (free) or released (paid).
Once the public starts paying money, it opens up the developers to any and all criticism that may come with it. Right now, this game is horrible.
I love people that are so confident in how wrong they are.
Early Access is, and always has been, a funding model for developers to allow players to play a PRE-RELEASE version of the game in order to continue developing it and give players a chance to provide feedback.
I missed the part where game is developed.
They didnt even fix 1 rare per map bug which occurs very frequently and especially in crypt/oasis.
All they did in almost a month since game's release is nerf one ranger ability and massively nerf all the cast on x abilities which lowered the playable builds by a huge chunk.
Game's trash and it needs being actually developed.
This aint early access, this is The Day Before.
If you believe in GGG post tencent purchase i got bad news for you buddy.
Someone didn't ever read the patch notes.
Posted byHyperspacing#5593on Dec 31, 2024, 10:25:07 AM