Devs wont be back until next week

Tomorrow is still a holiday and then there is only thursday and friday left which probably a lot of people will take off to extend their vacation, which means the office wont be fully functional until next week.
This also means that 1 month after release the devs have been on vacation for longer than they have been working on the game.
Then there is also the fact that a lot of people lost their vacation time after you set a definitive launch date and delayed it.

So not only did you ruin thousands of peoples vacations but then your first move after release is taking multiple weeks of vacation yourself?

Call me entitled if you want but is this really a good move right after having so much success with the release?
What first impression are you giving to all the newcomers?

This no longer seems to be the GGG i fell in love with years ago.
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 1:16:57 PM
It was a mistake to release this just before holidays. Especially in the state the game is in.
You know the Game reminds me to new world, i dont See any endgame here. Maybe its better in a few years but im moving on.
Its still playable, while you're waiting on endgame fixes just get all the characters you might want to play to endgame. Although if they nerf everything you're wanting to build it will be a rip.

The campaign is still pretty good.
The only thing I will remember about PoE2 is the Godmode belt Ingenuity thats better then all other belts together and 30 minutes of my character pressing switches in slow motion.

Toforto#2372 wrote:
It was a mistake to release this just before holidays. Especially in the state the game is in.

it is not game release, its early access, a lot of things is not in the game even
After playing in a number of betas the only thing that I have learned is never to take time off when they say they are launching. This goes for all companies.

Either they move the date or there are so many problems with launch that you don't get to play for hours and have problems for days.
Dellqq#3192 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:
It was a mistake to release this just before holidays. Especially in the state the game is in.

it is not game release, its early access, a lot of things is not in the game even

"Early Access" is no excuse for bad game design. People are mostly complaining about core design decisions that were made, not about missing a few skill gems or acts.

And releasing this game then going fully silent was just a horrible idea.

You can't just excuse every bad thing in a game with "its early access". Then it would never improve from all the feedback the players are giving.
Toforto#2372 wrote:
Dellqq#3192 wrote:
Toforto#2372 wrote:
It was a mistake to release this just before holidays. Especially in the state the game is in.

it is not game release, its early access, a lot of things is not in the game even

"Early Access" is no excuse for bad game design. People are mostly complaining about core design decisions that were made, not about missing a few skill gems or acts.

And releasing this game then going fully silent was just a horrible idea.

You can't just excuse every bad thing in a game with "its early access". Then it would never improve from all the feedback the players are giving.

Just because you, and a very vocal minority, don't like a design decision does not make it a bad one.

There isn't a lot of feedback coming in, there's just a lot of whining by people that want an easy mode win button.
I wish some people would just pass on Early Access / Beta releases of games. They clearly are too impatient to deal with the situation. I am happy they released the game before the holidays. Despite the shape of the game, I had entertainment over the holidays. Are there issues, sure. Were we told about it, yes. As an adult, I have way more pressing matters than spazzing over a Early Access game acting like I am entitled to a full release game. Angry that people are taking a vacation of all things. The phrase "Touch Grass" has never been more suited.
Last edited by mikeab79#3627 on Dec 31, 2024, 8:28:20 AM

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