How can an ARPG fit a vision of more deliberate combat? A discussion thread

Gordyne#2944 wrote:

I think it is kind of inevitable and why PoE 2 has changed so much:
People are way more used to ARPGs now than they were when they started playing D2 and now are realising that certain playstyles they want to try out simply don't work in the current frame of the game.

And accomodating different playstyles takes work and some core changes. I think GGG sees that and is trying to innovate.

Although clunky, the weapon set passives are somwhat interesting in this regard

Yeah, I'm certainly still operating under the assumption that this is simply a work-in-progress, and that they are actually open to feedback, and crucially open to acting on it.
I don't know to what extent this is possible, but I don't want to take any playstyles away, I would simply like to preserve the ones we already had.

This relates to the idea that some people will approach the game as it is, and simply adopt whatever playstyle it expects them to adopt.

But other people are rather looking for games that offer a certain playstyle that they already like. How many people found PoE via Pohx by Googling something like "games with something like Holy Fire".
I mean, hell, how many people found PoE itself by Googling "basically D2 but new".

Imagine, next meta: "The DoT stacker - 1 ignite, 1 poison, 1 bleed, 1 of every curse, ..."
People are already mad when they have to press more than 2 buttons. Imagine what will happen when the "most optimal" DPS setup is the equivalent of an MMO raid healer rotation. XD

There are ways to layer DPS besides DOTs. Cooldowns, for example.

It's... Not really all that difficult to just have a simple rotation of "hold down mouse 1, tap Q, tap E, tap R, tap T, tap F, tap mouse 2, tap mouse 3, tap Q, etc."

With a teeny bit of practice you can learn to mix it up and react to a changing situation.

Imagine, next meta: "The DoT stacker - 1 ignite, 1 poison, 1 bleed, 1 of every curse, ..."
People are already mad when they have to press more than 2 buttons. Imagine what will happen when the "most optimal" DPS setup is the equivalent of an MMO raid healer rotation. XD

There are ways to layer DPS besides DOTs. Cooldowns, for example.

It's... Not really all that difficult to just have a simple rotation of "hold down mouse 1, tap Q, tap E, tap R, tap T, tap F, tap mouse 2, tap mouse 3, tap Q, etc."

With a teeny bit of practice you can learn to mix it up and react to a changing situation.

Uhuh, sure. I'm sure people will love it.
It's a bit like

Imagine, next meta: "The DoT stacker - 1 ignite, 1 poison, 1 bleed, 1 of every curse, ..."
People are already mad when they have to press more than 2 buttons. Imagine what will happen when the "most optimal" DPS setup is the equivalent of an MMO raid healer rotation. XD

There are ways to layer DPS besides DOTs. Cooldowns, for example.

It's... Not really all that difficult to just have a simple rotation of "hold down mouse 1, tap Q, tap E, tap R, tap T, tap F, tap mouse 2, tap mouse 3, tap Q, etc."

With a teeny bit of practice you can learn to mix it up and react to a changing situation.

Uhuh, sure. I'm sure people will love it.
It's a bit like

Appropriate image since Marvel Heroes figured it out almost a decade ago. Even had raids.
Imo there's some balancing to do with skills/builds.
But the core issue is gear. Specifically how good should it be at certain points.

It's this - rather than builds - that makes the game, and especially bosses, easy or hard. Its what changes a boss from a few seconds nuke to a few minutes desperately trying to stay alive.

The issue of gear power variance leads to all these debates over crafting being bad/too unlikely to be good, and magic find to max out resources to buy better gear (harvested by hundreds of thousands of players) being the meta.

But that's the core issue. How much DPS should you have at the various points. Campaign chapters, early maps, late maps etc? How many times should a boss or mob be able to hit you before you die?

Unfortunately this devolves into "enough to one shot everything" which then means stuff has to be able to one shot you.
Uhuh, sure. I'm sure people will love it.
It's a bit like

As someone who raids in MMOs, yes having several skills and executing them correctly is a very enjoyable experience. We don't need a 30-skill bar here, but a build requiring 3-4 skills is totally reasonable and you can make gameplay balanced around it.
Uhuh, sure. I'm sure people will love it.
It's a bit like

As someone who raids in MMOs, yes having several skills and executing them correctly is a very enjoyable experience. We don't need a 30-skill bar here, but a build requiring 3-4 skills is totally reasonable and you can make gameplay balanced around it.

You can have a DPS filler, 2-4 DOT/cooldown layers, and a few utility powers like a CC breaker, invuln bubble, quick escape, mana refill/cooldown refresh, etc.
ClockworkShrew#7536 wrote:
GregoryAdams#7051 wrote:
Uhuh, sure. I'm sure people will love it.
It's a bit like

As someone who raids in MMOs, yes having several skills and executing them correctly is a very enjoyable experience. We don't need a 30-skill bar here, but a build requiring 3-4 skills is totally reasonable and you can make gameplay balanced around it.

You can have a DPS filler, 2-4 DOT/cooldown layers, and a few utility powers like a CC breaker, invuln bubble, quick escape, mana refill/cooldown refresh, etc.

To an extent, wouldn't that just be making diablo 3 again?
ClockworkShrew#7536 wrote:
GregoryAdams#7051 wrote:
Uhuh, sure. I'm sure people will love it.
It's a bit like

As someone who raids in MMOs, yes having several skills and executing them correctly is a very enjoyable experience. We don't need a 30-skill bar here, but a build requiring 3-4 skills is totally reasonable and you can make gameplay balanced around it.

You can have a DPS filler, 2-4 DOT/cooldown layers, and a few utility powers like a CC breaker, invuln bubble, quick escape, mana refill/cooldown refresh, etc.

To an extent, wouldn't that just be making diablo 3 again?

I mean Diablo 3 still has like 3 million active players so...
I mean Diablo 3 still has like 3 million active players so...

I'm not saying it's a particularly bad thing, I enjoyed D3 quite a bit outside of server issues and whatever it was Inferno on release; I should've expanded on my point. However, it's one that's been shared a number of times here and elsewhere in that I think in order to do that significant changes would be required to make it happen.

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