Hire gameplay designers who don't liberally employ "wishful thinking". Will my post sink in... nope.
If you don't have something actually constructive to contribute to the conversation, don't waste space in this thread, please and thank you. Have a nice day!
The problem is that this is a goal that is incompatible with the very nature of this particular subgenre of ARPGs.
ARPGs that are in some way descended from Diablo 2 all have a relatively simple game loop:
kill monsters -> get better gear and level up -> kill bigger monsters -> get even better gear and level up -> ...
Naturally, every player quickly realizes that the faster they can execute this loop, the faster they can progress through the game, and experience content that they haven't previously seen.
The only way you'd get more deliberate combat is if you remove the incentive to increase the pace of this loop.
So, as a stupid example, you could say that during any 5 second interval only 1 monster can give you XP and drop items, thereby removing the incentive to build characters that can kill more than 1 monster every 5 seconds.
Or you could make it so that only the boss of an area gives you XP and drops items, but the boss arena only "unlocks" after you've been in the map for at least 2 minutes.
Every single thing I can think of sounds awful. If you want a slow ARPG, then I'm afraid that you'll have to throw 99% of this game in the bin and start over.
I think there is a different way to view this.
I see it like this:
There are people that like to roleplay
There are people that like to min-max
Role players will want to develop different kinds of builds: Specialised, Hybrid, Off meta, Thematic Builds.
These people will prefer slower pacing and don't care that much about killing very very fast, as long as their build makes it to the end after farming/trading.
They like to optimize as well but they won't kill the fun to optimize and will try to find a middle ground.
Then there are the min-max player that will simply "optimize the fun out of the game".
They will only play meta and complain that things are too easy while ignoring 95% of the rest of the builds the game has to offer because it can't live up to in efficiency.
The only way to kind of solve this dillema is by slowing the game down and make it more reaction/combo skill based which is what PoE 2 at least allegedly tried to do.
So even if you build meta and well, you can still die because gear/build isn't everything and spamming mindlessly doesn't cut it anymore, but at the same time you can overcome bosses even with a suboptimal build because you play well mechanically.
I'm personally an RPG type of player, so I always prefer when meta isn't strongly enforced encouraged, or else we only have to play the same shit over and over
Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Dec 26, 2024, 1:57:16 PM
Posted byGordyne#2944on Dec 26, 2024, 1:55:58 PM
The problem is that this is a goal that is incompatible with the very nature of this particular subgenre of ARPGs.
ARPGs that are in some way descended from Diablo 2 all have a relatively simple game loop:
kill monsters -> get better gear and level up -> kill bigger monsters -> get even better gear and level up -> ...
Naturally, every player quickly realizes that the faster they can execute this loop, the faster they can progress through the game, and experience content that they haven't previously seen.
The only way you'd get more deliberate combat is if you remove the incentive to increase the pace of this loop.
So, as a stupid example, you could say that during any 5 second interval only 1 monster can give you XP and drop items, thereby removing the incentive to build characters that can kill more than 1 monster every 5 seconds.
Or you could make it so that only the boss of an area gives you XP and drops items, but the boss arena only "unlocks" after you've been in the map for at least 2 minutes.
Every single thing I can think of sounds awful. If you want a slow ARPG, then I'm afraid that you'll have to throw 99% of this game in the bin and start over.
weird that you didn't suggest decreasing mob density. like one of the most glaring issues here.
Because if you decrease mob density people will just optimize for movement speed.
Posted byGregoryAdams#7051on Dec 26, 2024, 2:07:16 PM
ARPGs that are in some way descended from Diablo 2 all have a relatively simple game loop:
kill monsters -> get better gear and level up -> kill bigger monsters -> get even better gear and level up -> ...
Naturally, every player quickly realizes that the faster they can execute this loop, the faster they can progress through the game, and experience content that they haven't previously seen.
While this is absolutely true, I don't see why you can't just buff loot and exp accordingly to match longer encounters. Loot and EXP feel good not as a result of amount of enemies killed necessarily, but as amount gained over time. Killing If a pack gives 1 exp and it takes me 1 second to kill it, that's going to feel similar in terms of rewards to killing a pack that gives 5 exp but takes me 5 seconds, as long as both tasks feel equally rewarding to execute.
Sure, but that doesn't really decrease the pace of the game overall. If you have 1/5 of the monsters in a zone, but each monster takes 5x longer to kill and gives 5x more XP, you're still clearing each zone at the same pace on average.
Posted byGregoryAdams#7051on Dec 26, 2024, 2:11:50 PM
The only way to kind of solve this dillema is by slowing the game down and make it more reaction/combo skill based which is what PoE 2 at least allegedly tried to do.
So even if you build meta and well, you can still die because gear/build isn't everything and spamming mindlessly doesn't cut it anymore, but at the same time you can overcome bosses even with a suboptimal build because you play well mechanically.
I'm personally an RPG type of player, so I always prefer when meta isn't strongly enforced encouraged, or else we only have to play the same shit over and over
this is great on paper. but poe has so much variable (skills/mobs/maps) all with their own sets of mods that tailoring such system will be close to impossible to prevent min-maxers of completely bypassing it. and while you might play non-meta is all fine and dandy till the next change will destroy your character becuase patch changed some stuff around to prohibit min-maxers abuse. they can't balance the game around min-maxers and satisfy non-meta players. just look what happened with poe1, it arrived to the point where you can play meta build by 'accident'
That's not entirely true. I think a middle ground can definitely be achieved.
Especially since PoE2 is actually a slower game.
Balance isn't all or nothing. You can tweak it in a way that off-meta can still play fine(it just won't kill the UBER optinal boss) and min-maxxers won't be able to delete everything.
Min-max and top players will always exist, it is up to GGG to decide how much power they can actually get.
One suggestion that kept appearing on the forums were diminishing returns on damge and tankiness and it is a very straightforward way to do this.
And in the end the top players will always complain that the game is too easy. GGG just should not listen to it.
What? You picked the best items in the game and it is now too easy after 300 hours? Great, achieved your goal, your character is now complete, now go make another one.
So it is very possible and not only on paper. Although not perfect other ARPGs managed this problem better than PoE by miles.
Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Dec 26, 2024, 2:21:33 PM
Posted byGordyne#2944on Dec 26, 2024, 2:19:52 PM
You can't please everyone with one game mode.
That much is clear.
Which is why I time and again advocate for a diversity of game modes to fit a broader audience. In terms of difficulty, length, drops, and accessability.
Why someone would argue against this, I do not know.
But somehow they do.
God forbid some plebian gets the lvl 100 achievement, or uber Maven, without enduring the same grueling ruthless experience they did.
Fame, as we all know, lies in bragging rights and steam achievements.
I still remember the joy of conquering quake on increasing difficulty levels. The same would hold through for any ARPG.
Last edited by eldheim#2436 on Dec 26, 2024, 2:25:25 PM
Posted byeldheim#2436on Dec 26, 2024, 2:24:10 PM
For the combat to remain "slow and methodical", you need to absolutely constrain and control the player power and reduce variance. I think it totally defeats the purpose of an arpg (so the real answer is these things are not compatible), but here are a few ideas to reduce variance :
- Remove the passive tree: You need something more similar to what you have in Grim Dawn, or more so Last Epoch (but probably with smaller trees). Specific, limited, meticulously curated and balanced skill trees.
- Remove skill/passive gems: Or HEAVILY restrict their usage. But the Last Epoch solution, with skills attached to classes and having their own (again: limited) skill trees
- Gear: Reduce RNG to an absolute minimum. Each base has specific affixes (may be you can have a little variance in the values, but why bother), and will always come with those. Basically what I'm saying is there are only uniques. Also probably some restriction on what each class can use?
- Crafting: Really? ok, if you insist you can have a few modifiers you can add to your gear, and you can rub it with some shit you collect to make it marginally better.
- Mobs: Fewer, more dangerous
- Endgame: Why bother? OK have some way to increase the difficulty of whatever is already there
- Seasons/leagues/DLC: A new zone, new bosses, may be some new gear, some story?
- Trading: Why bother?
There. Basically in my opinion you need to completely gut the arpg aspect. Remove one of the points above and either it makes it more probable that the players will find a way to exploit and trivialise the game, or the game becomes unplayable.
Posted byMaldosam#3663on Dec 26, 2024, 2:27:32 PM
The problem is that this is a goal that is incompatible with the very nature of this particular subgenre of ARPGs.
ARPGs that are in some way descended from Diablo 2 all have a relatively simple game loop:
kill monsters -> get better gear and level up -> kill bigger monsters -> get even better gear and level up -> ...
Naturally, every player quickly realizes that the faster they can execute this loop, the faster they can progress through the game, and experience content that they haven't previously seen.
The only way you'd get more deliberate combat is if you remove the incentive to increase the pace of this loop.
So, as a stupid example, you could say that during any 5 second interval only 1 monster can give you XP and drop items, thereby removing the incentive to build characters that can kill more than 1 monster every 5 seconds.
Or you could make it so that only the boss of an area gives you XP and drops items, but the boss arena only "unlocks" after you've been in the map for at least 2 minutes.
Every single thing I can think of sounds awful. If you want a slow ARPG, then I'm afraid that you'll have to throw 99% of this game in the bin and start over.
I think there is a different way to view this.
I see it like this:
There are people that like to roleplay
There are people that like to min-max
Role players will want to develop different kinds of builds: Specialised, Hybrid, Off meta, Thematic Builds.
These people will prefer slower pacing and don't care that much about killing very very fast, as long as their build makes it to the end after farming/trading.
They like to optimize as well but they won't kill the fun to optimize and will try to find a middle ground.
Then there are the min-max player that will simply "optimize the fun out of the game".
They will only play meta and complain that things are too easy while ignoring 95% of the rest of the builds the game has to offer because it can't live up to in efficiency.
The only way to kind of solve this dillema is by slowing the game down and make it more reaction/combo skill based which is what PoE 2 at least allegedly tried to do.
So even if you build meta and well, you can still die because gear/build isn't everything and spamming mindlessly doesn't cut it anymore, but at the same time you can overcome bosses even with a suboptimal build because you play well mechanically.
I'm personally an RPG type of player, so I always prefer when meta isn't strongly enforced encouraged, or else we only have to play the same shit over and over
Well, in that case, wouldn't it make more sense to make the skill floor lower, i.e. make the base game easier overall? Then you enable all the less optimized builds to complete the game, too.
The reason I'm mentioning this is that I personally don't really like the focus on mechanical gameplay at all.
The problem is that you can't have a game that's both difficult AND doesn't invite hyper optimization. Because that's the logical "solution" to the difficulty.
Posted byGregoryAdams#7051on Dec 26, 2024, 2:31:14 PM
Because if you decrease mob density people will just optimize for movement speed.
if you decrease mob density you can make each mob tougher and more dangerous. MS has nothing to do with it since it would function the same as it does now... weird take
Well, if you decrease mob density AND make each mob tougher, then sure. But that's an important detail you left out. XD
Posted byGregoryAdams#7051on Dec 26, 2024, 2:33:50 PM
The problem is that this is a goal that is incompatible with the very nature of this particular subgenre of ARPGs.
ARPGs that are in some way descended from Diablo 2 all have a relatively simple game loop:
kill monsters -> get better gear and level up -> kill bigger monsters -> get even better gear and level up -> ...
Naturally, every player quickly realizes that the faster they can execute this loop, the faster they can progress through the game, and experience content that they haven't previously seen.
The only way you'd get more deliberate combat is if you remove the incentive to increase the pace of this loop.
So, as a stupid example, you could say that during any 5 second interval only 1 monster can give you XP and drop items, thereby removing the incentive to build characters that can kill more than 1 monster every 5 seconds.
Or you could make it so that only the boss of an area gives you XP and drops items, but the boss arena only "unlocks" after you've been in the map for at least 2 minutes.
Every single thing I can think of sounds awful. If you want a slow ARPG, then I'm afraid that you'll have to throw 99% of this game in the bin and start over.
weird that you didn't suggest decreasing mob density. like one of the most glaring issues here.
Because if you decrease mob density people will just optimize for movement speed.
Only if the maps are fucking huge.
Posted byXenus_Paradox#7530on Dec 26, 2024, 2:49:26 PM