Greater/Perfect jeweler orbs are too hard to find.

Been grinding for a while, reached lvl 91 with a 3link skill because I cant find any greater/perfect jewelers.
I think the drop rate might be a little too low currently for 4/5 links.
I've also spec'd into the forest node on the atlas tree before anyone mentions it.
Last edited by Exerthus#4937 on Dec 23, 2024, 1:15:26 PM
Last bumped on Feb 1, 2025, 8:42:39 AM
Greater is not that hard. Perfect is going to be hard because it's essentially rolling a 6-link that is custom to your build.
im really surprised we cant use the reforge bench to upgrade jewelers orbs...
Greater is not that hard. Perfect is going to be hard because it's essentially rolling a 6-link that is custom to your build.

Well at least in PoE1 you would have that 6 link for ever and for any skill. With this being a per Gem/Skill thing I think they should be higher drop rate. I am currently level 93 and have only found one Perfect when I am using about 5 skills that would be really nice to have the 5th(6th) link.
Greater is not that hard. Perfect is going to be hard because it's essentially rolling a 6-link that is custom to your build.

Well at least in PoE1 you would have that 6 link for ever and for any skill. With this being a per Gem/Skill thing I think they should be higher drop rate. I am currently level 93 and have only found one Perfect when I am using about 5 skills that would be really nice to have the 5th(6th) link.

Agree with this
It is too low.. both of my chars are 80 level and I found not a single greater. The result is that I have to rely mostly in my basic attack.
heh....just leveled up a new char to maps. It found a perfect jewelers within like 1st 5 maps it ran. Maybe I should level another!
I got 2 or 3 Perfect JO drop over 300 hours of gameplay . They are currently much rarer than Divine and cost tons of currencies if you are thinking of buying them .

Greater JO takes a long time to drop , if you farm endgame and wants that 4 socket skill it is better to trade for them though the price ain't as steep as Perfect JO .

Or just buy the 5 Skill Gem through trading directly ...

BTW you can craft a 5 socket skills through Vaal corruption , it's a risky move early on but in late endgame it's an option to consider .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
I think the tradeoff from poe1 though is that we can have several 6links and not just one to two.

While I have only had one perfect drop for me in about 200hours, greater orbs are rare but affordable when mapping. Just need to survive long enough to gather enough exalts.
Thror2k5#7154 wrote:
im really surprised we cant use the reforge bench to upgrade jewelers orbs...

Their rarity doesn't increase linearly. If they could be reforged, then that would either make perfect orbs way too common, or if the rarity of the others were to be adjusted, it would make lesser and greater orbs far too rare.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Last edited by RickyDMMontoya#7961 on Jan 9, 2025, 1:22:51 PM

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