[FIXED] Unable to "speak to doryani" - legacy of the vaal / the pinnacle of flame quests

After completing the campaign on my second char, I am unable to complete the quest "Legacy of the Vaal", which just states to speak to Doryani.

Now that I have progressed with map tiers further, another quest popped up which asks me to speak to him: the pinnacle of flame.

I have tried multiple areas where doryani exists: a3 normal, a3 cruel in the temple, hideout, but to no avail. I assume this bugged quest list will continue growing.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Last edited by Ydoum#5726 on Feb 5, 2025, 7:42:58 AM
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 11:51:00 AM
same thing.
Same issue with second character.
Same thing 2nd character.

It wasn't letting me enter maps at first saying "You need to finish campaign". Re-logged and tried to enter map from town and not hideout and it let me in. *Shrug*
Last edited by Chocoppop#2748 on Dec 25, 2024, 10:52:27 AM
same with second
Experiencing the same now.....dont want to have to delete character...hope there is as fix coming
Experiencing the same now.....dont want to have to delete character...hope there is as fix coming....

Didnt meant to post twice..but with current character at least i can still map in refuge until it gets fixed...just no hideout...

Character/Invoker: _MilkBowlSpoon_
Last edited by xmasbby78#4632 on Dec 25, 2024, 11:53:55 PM
Same issue with my 2nd toon as well
Same, with second character.
im also experiencing this bug on my 2nd character

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