PlayStation 5: Map Exploration Resets

Same issue here on PS5,i reinstalledthr Game aweek ago, now the Issue is back. Also Client Crashed 3/10 times i went through portal....
Hey all,
Weirdly I fixed this issue by loading PoE1 on PS5 then quit and loaded PoE2.
Someone mentioned this method for PC. This works for PS5 also.

This has happened twice for me so far. The first time I reinstalled PoE2 and it was fixed. However this method isn’t a good fix since the game is quite big and will take awhile for me to download.

Hope this help you guys as this was quite a frustrating issue.
Not entirely sure if this is what fixed it but I figured it might have had something to do with the cached game data. So I turned of my ps5 (not rest mode) plugged in my controller via the usb pot on the front, and then held the power button until it beeped a second time. That reboots in safe mode. You’ll see something about clearing game data there, choose that, then it’ll give you two options; I chose the way quicker one but if this is what fixes it I’m sure you could defrag the your ps5 if you have 6-10 minutes to wait. Anyway pick on the “Clear cached game data.” Hopefully this works for you too because it’s a way quicker fix than uninstalling and reinstalling.
Had the bug again today ... seriously if i need to reinstall the game every week there comes a moment i will simply de-install it for good .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Same here
OP here. The bug popped up again after not happening for a few weeks. Re-installing again on the PS5 has helped, but obviously this is still just a band-aid fix.
Before you mock a man, walk a mile in his shoes. Then you're a mile away. And you have his shoes.
Same here on PS5. But only ranger so far, really annoying!!!! Please GGG, fix
Same here but only on cruel
And on the point a week later the issue is back again, another reinstall necessary.
Dont know how many Times i do this until reinstalling the last time

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