Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Not sure about the resistance change, yes it give power to the player but i mainly think it was a problem apearing due to the current crafting system.
Really hope the terrain sync bug is fixed.. trials keep getting bricked
35% less honour damage in melee range?! Thats all you change? Seriously?
This whole mechanic is bs. Remove it entirely and bring back Labs. Or Boss Rush or something else. These two options are no fun at all, even the ENTRY is relying on RNG. I dont want to buy tokens on the market, its stupid and contrary to the whole game concept. Game doesnt provide needed tool - go buy it. No thx.

Oh and thx for nerfing my main character minion build. wtf... as if this was necessary. BUFF other minions if they underperform but stop nerfing things. jesus christ...
Last edited by TheOrigin79#2030 on Dec 16, 2024, 5:44:32 PM
LineArck#6395 wrote:
Not sure about the resistance change, yes it give power to the player but i mainly think it was a problem coming from the current crafting system.
Really good patch, thank you.

It's probably on the radar already but Trials of Chaos needs adjustments as well. And please don't go overboard on the freeze nerfs like previous trigger skill nerfs.
"Disabled the Volatile Crystals Modifier, we’ll revisit this in the future pending telegraphing improvements."

WHY?! Keep it disabled and leave it to die! It does NOT belong in the game, FFS! Same goes for every other on-death effect. They're fine in POE1, but NOT in this game! WTF are you doing?!
Please fix PS5 version to get stable 60fps. Performance is awful and unplayable. Thanks.
Very sad to see the changes regarding the Arsonists. The situation was not a top strong Arsonist, but too weak other minions for their spirit cost. Instead of nerfing a usable skill, buffing the others would've been a better idea.
Good job on nerfing the only "fun" mechanic in your s game hope the numbers go down tbh
So, about these crashes though?

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