Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

I don't know if they will read this but I have 2 suggestions to massively improve the chayula monk.
The buff from the flames of chayula that gives extra chaos damage should reset the timers of all stacks when you gain a new one. They have a maximum stack of 10 buffs but as it stands using only the nodes of "into the breach" and "lucid dreaming" even with no enemies around and just focusing on walking directly to gathering them you can get no more that like 4 or 5 stacks before the firsts start to die out, so as soon as you start to attack to actually use them you have only a couple seconds of damage window...
The only way I found to reliably use those flames is by proc with the skill "Mantra of Destruction" that requires combo to use and grants one flame per kill with empowered attack. Now the problem is the empowerment has a GCD so you can't seamlessly empower next attack without having to stop the character to do the animation. All of this assuming you have groups of close to 10 normal mobs that you can kill at once with a single strike every 3 seconds or every 10 seconds if you have the 2nd ascendancy, meaning that vs bosses it's useless.
Having the timers reset when you get one let's you focus on gathering a lot of souls on a big pack and then sustaining the bonus damage as you walk throught the flames spawned by the ascendancy. A small nerf to the amount of extra chaos that they give would probably be needed cause you would walk around at cap stacks if you dont let it fall down.
Yoooo thank you for the melee love!! The game has been amazing so far and GGG has been super attentive to feedback and issues. Keep it up, you deserve the break!
when aim assist fix for pc? id like to turn of target mode
Please fix my broken evasion rating from trial affliction :(
Last nerf bricked my first character if my second character gets nerfed ALREADY I'll be done playing this game. At least until the Streamers you guys follow find all the broken builds for you guys to nerf and see if the game is even any fun by that point.

I think the amount of changes and nerfs you guys do makes it extremely hard for the casual gamer. I've had fun so far but please don't BRICK my characters.

If you can't handle builds getting nerfed left and right, don't play early access. That's the goal of GGG : have us try out and test so they can balance it.
bring back the necromancer
TizeNO#2673 wrote:
why would i waste time for something i can get way easier in other mode

TizeNO#2673 wrote:
i like ruthless style waaaay more than softcore

Seems like you've answered your own question.
Please GGG, fix the shop because I can't buy anything, it says "buy points" while I have over 300 of them...
path of nerf.

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