It's so amusing (and infuriating) to watch so many players in this and every other thread cry and scream about how it's "punishing" and "tedious" to engage with the game.
Like, how DARE a game disrespect your time so badly as to require you to hit some monsters more than once. Or engage a boss for longer than four whole seconds. Or take more time to walk across a map than an adult human being takes to walk to the other side of their bathroom.
Seriously, y'all. Path 1 is right. Over. There. Right next door. it is the next game up from Path 2 in your Steam library. Or wherever it happens to be. It is clearly the game you actually want, where actually engaging with and playing the game is the surest possible sign of abject failure. Why not play it?
Couldn't have said it better myself. Reading this thread I was hoping for some interesting feedback, but it sums up to "make it just like POE1" while claiming you want it to be different.
Truth is, if they make most of the changes the OP and others are asking for, it'll just be POE1 again. No thanks. I'll play POE1 if I want POE1. There's a reason they split poe2 off into its own thing, to remain its own thing. Doesn't mean there aren't issues with the game, but the solution isn't "make it more like poe1".
Last edited by Dochland191#0146 on Dec 21, 2024, 11:59:12 AM
Posted byDochland191#0146on Dec 21, 2024, 11:58:09 AM
It's so amusing (and infuriating) to watch so many players in this and every other thread cry and scream about how it's "punishing" and "tedious" to engage with the game.
Like, how DARE a game disrespect your time so badly as to require you to hit some monsters more than once. Or engage a boss for longer than four whole seconds. Or take more time to walk across a map than an adult human being takes to walk to the other side of their bathroom.
Seriously, y'all. Path 1 is right. Over. There. Right next door. it is the next game up from Path 2 in your Steam library. Or wherever it happens to be. It is clearly the game you actually want, where actually engaging with and playing the game is the surest possible sign of abject failure. Why not play it?
All these "go play poe 1" arguments are getting old. No. We want this game to actually be good, not to die in obscurity after 1 league because all the hype-train riding tourists left.
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 21, 2024, 11:59:06 AM
This topic here is about the longterm problems that a vastly punishing game model causes. And the feedback OP gave is reflecting and outlining the serious threats of the punishment 'vision' concerning the longlivity of PoE2.
Why is the only "Solution" to this problem some variation of "make the game move so fast and scale so hard you don't even really play it anymore, like PoE1"?
Nothing force you to zoom in poe1. I never liked to zoom, I don't like the tediousness of poe2 either. Done everything in poe1 at my pace.
On the other hand, poe2 clearly want me to play at a certain pace with a specific gameplay.
Skill issue, you're just too bad to play poe1. PoE2 is boring easy with 0 depth EA or not.
Posted byepiphase#4568on Dec 21, 2024, 12:00:17 PM
It's so amusing (and infuriating) to watch so many players in this and every other thread cry and scream about how it's "punishing" and "tedious" to engage with the game.
Like, how DARE a game disrespect your time so badly as to require you to hit some monsters more than once. Or engage a boss for longer than four whole seconds. Or take more time to walk across a map than an adult human being takes to walk to the other side of their bathroom.
Seriously, y'all. Path 1 is right. Over. There. Right next door. it is the next game up from Path 2 in your Steam library. Or wherever it happens to be. It is clearly the game you actually want, where actually engaging with and playing the game is the surest possible sign of abject failure. Why not play it?
All these "go play poe 1" arguments are getting old. No. We want this game to actually be good, not to die in obscurity after 1 league because all the hype-train riding tourists left.
All these "make the game more like poe 1" threads are just as tiring, though.
Posted byDochland191#0146on Dec 21, 2024, 12:00:33 PM
It's so amusing (and infuriating) to watch so many players in this and every other thread cry and scream about how it's "punishing" and "tedious" to engage with the game.
Like, how DARE a game disrespect your time so badly as to require you to hit some monsters more than once. Or engage a boss for longer than four whole seconds. Or take more time to walk across a map than an adult human being takes to walk to the other side of their bathroom.
Seriously, y'all. Path 1 is right. Over. There. Right next door. it is the next game up from Path 2 in your Steam library. Or wherever it happens to be. It is clearly the game you actually want, where actually engaging with and playing the game is the surest possible sign of abject failure. Why not play it?
Couldn't have said it better myself. Reading this thread I was hoping for some interesting feedback, but it sums up to "make it just like POE1" while claiming you want it to be different.
Truth is, if they make most of the changes the OP and others are asking for, it'll just be POE1 again. No thanks. I'll play POE1 if I want POE1. There's a reason they split poe2 off into its own thing, to remain its own thing. Doesn't mean there aren't issues with the game, but the solution isn't "make it more like poe1".
And when I read guys like you I wonder which streamer got you to play an aRPG because clearly you ignore everything of the genre and have nothing to do here.
You want to play a slower version of an aRPG, based around storytelling and engaging moment to moment combat? Guess what you have the entire RPG genre to play aside from one subgenre: aRPG.
Now dodgeroll your way to the circus, clown. Your place is not here mere peasant. Delirium and ritual will teach you.
Last edited by epiphase#4568 on Dec 21, 2024, 12:04:04 PM
Posted byepiphase#4568on Dec 21, 2024, 12:02:53 PM
All these "make the game more like poe 1" threads are just as tiring, though.
Except nobody asks for it. I couldn't care less. We ask for making the game fun.
Posted byArunderan#4678on Dec 21, 2024, 12:03:12 PM
All these "make the game more like poe 1" threads are just as tiring, though.
Its hard to start a live-service game from a scratch or pick a huge shift in the direction while the installment is feeling fine. Its viable when the game is dead, thats why d3 never actually damaged d2 for example, but thats why wow classic is a thing. Even then, d2 got its share of love from devs, it was adapted to modern systems and improved multiplayer experience. Poe2 is not a continuation af a previous game and devs are silent about the near future of poe1 while kinda killing it by themselves without any game updates. So when fans have nothing to do in both titles - they move to the forums.
Posted byQuerker#1809on Dec 21, 2024, 12:12:05 PM
It's so amusing (and infuriating) to watch so many players in this and every other thread cry and scream about how it's "punishing" and "tedious" to engage with the game.
Like, how DARE a game disrespect your time so badly as to require you to hit some monsters more than once. Or engage a boss for longer than four whole seconds. Or take more time to walk across a map than an adult human being takes to walk to the other side of their bathroom.
Seriously, y'all. Path 1 is right. Over. There. Right next door. it is the next game up from Path 2 in your Steam library. Or wherever it happens to be. It is clearly the game you actually want, where actually engaging with and playing the game is the surest possible sign of abject failure. Why not play it?
ur view is quite boring did u buy all them supporter packs for looks let's break this down
Side A pro poe2 ppl
got a free key from a friend, streamer giveaway or mommy's CC
90% chance will never spend a dime on the game but expect the game to keep running on it's own ( aka expect poe 1 profits to keep funding the game they like)
will quit the game before year 2
any will be the ppl begging in 820 for someone to kill there act 1 boss/free trail carry/ or exp leech all league long.
and best one will follow expolit stuff streamers show off and the cry and rage when they get banned or their build is nerfed for it.
Side B poe 1 vets
Funded the game for years is the only reason poe2 is here for u to play
will be the funding ggg needs to keep the game(s) running
will be the core base for poe that they will bend the knee to at some point
( yes hate to tell all you new cry babies ggg will always bend the knee to the ppl who pay becuz you as a cry baby will not devote ur time to poe you have other games to play and you won't spend hundreds or thousands on ggg so when those "high player base better than poe 1 " start dropping off and ggg needs a lifeboat to save poe2 they will fall to the vets they will make the changes the vets wants in order to keep the money coming in)
In the end all you new ppl or old ppl who couldn't beat poe 1 or come on here saying go back to poe 1 or get gud or w/e in the end poe2 will change rather sooner or later they will change to make the ppl who spend money happy and at the end you won't even be here i seen all these streamers the last 2-3 weeks who never played poe 1 or even heard about poe playing poe 2 for the views a new hot game dropped and they want that view count money. and they will fall off for a new hot game and so will most of you the every 3 months getting reset running up the ladder again not being able to do the 40/40 challenges or endgame as it progress y'all will fall off and the core vets will be here to mold poe 2 we the ppl who funded the game want it.
It's so amusing (and infuriating) to watch so many players in this and every other thread cry and scream about how it's "punishing" and "tedious" to engage with the game.
Like, how DARE a game disrespect your time so badly as to require you to hit some monsters more than once. Or engage a boss for longer than four whole seconds. Or take more time to walk across a map than an adult human being takes to walk to the other side of their bathroom.
Seriously, y'all. Path 1 is right. Over. There. Right next door. it is the next game up from Path 2 in your Steam library. Or wherever it happens to be. It is clearly the game you actually want, where actually engaging with and playing the game is the surest possible sign of abject failure. Why not play it?
ur view is quite boring did u buy all them supporter packs for looks let's break this down
Side A pro poe2 ppl
got a free key from a friend, streamer giveaway or mommy's CC
90% chance will never spend a dime on the game but expect the game to keep running on it's own ( aka expect poe 1 profits to keep funding the game they like)
will quit the game before year 2
any will be the ppl begging in 820 for someone to kill there act 1 boss/free trail carry/ or exp leech all league long.
and best one will follow expolit stuff streamers show off and the cry and rage when they get banned or their build is nerfed for it.
Side B poe 1 vets
Funded the game for years is the only reason poe2 is here for u to play
will be the funding ggg needs to keep the game(s) running
will be the core base for poe that they will bend the knee to at some point
( yes hate to tell all you new cry babies ggg will always bend the knee to the ppl who pay becuz you as a cry baby will not devote ur time to poe you have other games to play and you won't spend hundreds or thousands on ggg so when those "high player base better than poe 1 " start dropping off and ggg needs a lifeboat to save poe2 they will fall to the vets they will make the changes the vets wants in order to keep the money coming in)
In the end all you new ppl or old ppl who couldn't beat poe 1 or come on here saying go back to poe 1 or get gud or w/e in the end poe2 will change rather sooner or later they will change to make the ppl who spend money happy and at the end you won't even be here i seen all these streamers the last 2-3 weeks who never played poe 1 or even heard about poe playing poe 2 for the views a new hot game dropped and they want that view count money. and they will fall off for a new hot game and so will most of you the every 3 months getting reset running up the ladder again not being able to do the 40/40 challenges or endgame as it progress y'all will fall off and the core vets will be here to mold poe 2 we the ppl who funded the game want it.
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 21, 2024, 12:19:57 PM
will you quietly close the game and wait for a next update?
I mean, that's always an option. Any dynamic game runs that risk. I'm not convinced this would be as demoralizing as you're making it out to be. Further, proper design would have some form of guardrails to help underperforming builds access the content. A common example is varied difficulty settings. The novel activity could be introduced with progressively more difficult iterations gated behind performance thresholds. Alternatively, completing other activities could offer temporal buffs to supplement subpar builds.
So you face a choice - either you start from the beginning in a "kinda ssf" environment cause early drops now mean nothing and make a new toon with the said challenge in mind, or never come back.
You've constructed a false dichotomy upon baseless speculation while continually ignoring that catch-up mechanisms are, by design, used to mitigate the worst of these extremes. Nothing you've posted has made a case for continual character wipes being a necessity.
Posted byLeFlesh#9979on Dec 21, 2024, 12:24:59 PM