Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

youshisu#1679 wrote:
Poe 1 is still playable xd go play it if you like it more.

Also, reading your post made me realis, you are unaware this game is not finished.
Here is my message to you Poe 2 is early access which means it is unfinished

That's why he is posting feedback.

This would be a major change if the game was already released.

This is what Early Access feedback is for. Literally.
[PoE2's] foundation is just an inprovement of PoE1 in practially every way.

Really, i can't stand this anymore.
- How is triple punishment with extra tinsel an improvement? It's the opposite: players won't use their own builds but heavily rely on the metas to reduce the possibility of punishments!
- How is completely mindless casino crafting an improvement?
- How is not dropping currency encouraging players to 'craft'?
- How is 1-death-game-over encouraging players to get the 'souls' vibe, when being one-shotted by something they didn't have on screen, cause they can't craft items to prevent this?

I really want to understand people writing this. Graphics are the only improvement. The rest is an exact copy of PoE1 without crafting, without loot and without movement speed.

I take one look at the gem system, in game tutorials and gameplay pace (during the campaign) and I can't see why those would not be clear improvements.
Yes the current Endgame is very punishing and does push people more into safe meta builds. That obviously is not a good thing.
Crafting isn't finished and needs more work.
Endgame needs work. This game is in EA and Jonathan literally said in multiple interviews that oneshots in Maps would still happen and needs more ironing
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
In my opinion the combat is a LOT more engaging. And that was the goal. It is harder, because you can't just screenclear and oneshot everything. The combat is more methodical and thus demands more attention, care and skill from the average player. Or it is what Jonathan wants it to be. Some builds just don't stick to those (theoretical) norms.

Yes, the combat is more methodical and requires more attention. But when people want this to be their new "10k hours game", where we WANT to come back league after league to spend hundred of hours running maps, you got to ask yourself; are they requiring us to pay too much attention?

I'm all for slower, more methodical combat. In isolation, it's a great change. But when we add in more aspects, it just gets too much for a lot of players.

1) Bigger and more maze-like maps in addition to the slower combat.
2) Losing hours/days of farming/preparing in the endgame due to ONE mistake require you to be on your toes ALL the time.
3) A larger, longer and more time/attention consuming campaign.

The end result of this will inevitably be that ALL players rush the most broken stuff even more than they did in PoE 1.

I've spent close to 10k hours in PoE. When it comes to my ARPGs, I only play titles that I can REALLY sink my time into, and where I feel that my time spent equals progression. I know for a fact that if GGG will be stubborn on map layouts, map sizes and one portal, forcing me to constantly be on my toes, I won't be playing a single league. And that is sad, because PoE 2 has HUGE potential, but in my eyes crappy longevity as of now.

I do think there are some improvements to be made. Especially the one portal thing and some mechanics being infinitly more punishing than others. There need to be some tweaking happening, but I also think that PoE2's campaign being a challenge is actaully a good thing. Filering players that aren't willing to engage with mechanics/the game and sink their time into it literally within the first hour is a good thing for this F2P title
I wish so much I could upvote this post, OP!
You are talking about PoE 1 with PoE 2 GFX engine. This is what you really want.
Live with it: it is PoE 2, not PoE 1. Play PoE 1 and beg for an GFX update. I would be happy if GGG updated PoE 1 with PoE engine and GFX but I never would want PoE 2 to be PoE 1. I like the PoE 2 approach as well. Need more hard work and fine tuning, but I like the different approach. Sadly, its endgame is more like PoE 1. Too fast, not engaging, not tactical.
Last edited by yesname#5945 on Dec 19, 2024, 10:34:51 AM

I do think there are some improvements to be made. Especially the one portal thing and some mechanics being infinitly more punishing than others. There need to be some tweaking happening, but I also think that PoE2's campaign being a challenge is actaully a good thing. Filering players that aren't willing to engage with mechanics/the game and sink their time into it literally within the first hour is a good thing for this F2P title

A F2P title filtering players so quickly is never a good thing. F2P requires both whales and non whales. It needs as many of each as possible. Actively trying to reduce the population of live service games is a terrible choice
Nothv13#0740 wrote:

A F2P title filtering players so quickly is never a good thing. F2P requires both whales and non whales. It needs as many of each as possible. Actively trying to reduce the population of live service games is a terrible choice

Diablo 4 made everything so easy that nobody got filtered. So everybody got bored of the game extremely quickly and nobody likes it. You think you want an Instant Win-button but you really don't, it misses the whole point of playing the game.
I agree with all of the points other than campaign length. I enjoy it. I don't like groping around through the huge maps though.

My problem is with the gems, respecs, and drops. The way they are, if you run into a roadblock, you can't even engage with the systems and use your mind to get around it. You have to go back, grind, and cross your fingers. I played and loved Dark Souls, but I don't want that experience again.

I do not use meta builds. My hope for this game was to build and enjoy the massive variety of linking and testing skills in game, but that doesn't appear to be the way this game is intended to be played.
Last edited by Gigs#6884 on Dec 19, 2024, 11:05:49 AM
+1 Damn right! Thank you! I see it exactly the same way GGG!
+1 to every points made by OP in a well done manner.
Thx for your time and effort !

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