POE 2 Lootfilter (Handcrafted Regular/Strict) by Slychac_Strzaly_TTV (GFN / One-click instalation)

Kinda muscle memoried in to using NeverSink's filter, but realized it's really basic, will test this out thank you :)
How do I hide all normal bases? I was able to do it on the previous version but can't on this one.
nice. Rings/Amulets bases always visible? Cose those make most of profit when chance'ed
Kinda muscle memoried in to using NeverSink's filter, but realized it's really basic, will test this out thank you :)

Happy to hear that! Let us know what do you think about it!

Cham#5450 wrote:

How do I hide all normal bases? I was able to do it on the previous version but can't on this one.


As the code got doubled due to the quality modificator, the whole structure of the filter got a little complicated. I will be live on Twitch in about 2 hours from now (Need to make dinner for the family), and I will handcraft a more strict version for you on the stream, also showing you how to make any edits in current version if needed.

Cheers and see you later!
xMarox#2572 wrote:
nice. Rings/Amulets bases always visible? Cose those make most of profit when chance'ed

Hi there!

Yes, all belts, rings and amulets are visible, and also all GOOD bases (resistances/spirit/rarity) have additional green border. Jewelery is quite rare in the game, I am collecitng like 4 quad tabs of top tier gear bases and in between, a handfull of belts/rings/amulets in the same time, so I am aware those are much reccomenedd to be picked up.

Get the filter, and check by yourself. I'll be live on Twitch in two hours from now, so you can leave some feedback and suggestions after initial testing.

Have fun!
First of, thanks for telling me about your filter.

I appriciate you working on an endgame filter and sharing it with us.

So far i ran with it while playing for 90 minutes and i got some feedback for you.

- Highlights Expert bases, other "higher" Tier bases and filters out lower versions of said Items.

- Visibility of currency, breach fragments, simulacrum splinter, expedition stuff etc are good. Just a bit to much "orange" in my orange firewall.

-filtered items make "sense" for endgame, finally i dont need to shift through dozens of items do find my expert bases and other decent one.


I am playing quite the visual heavy build. SrS in my case with other Minions, additionally to that i like to farm Delirium / Breach / Ritual.

I cannot see the Items without straining my eyes. The white fond on Maps makes em very hard to spot. It`s not that i cannot see em at all, i do, but they are hard to spot. When i spot them, its hard to see if its low Tier or higher Tier.

Gold is not visible at all.

Especially during the fog i having a hard time to even spot the items. The borders are to "thin" and weak in colour.

I would at least need the borders of the items to be thicker and stronger in colour.

SRS/Minions is quite popular, idk if anyone else in the Thread is running em and having the same issues or if it's just for me.

Images of my Screen after i killed the Mobs, it's worse when im fighting.

Anyways, thanks again for letting me know of your Filter and thank you for providing a Endgame Filter to the community.

For now the filter is to stressful for me to play with.

I hope my english is decent enough to understand what i wanted to adress.


PS: The brightness on my end is a little bit less extreme than in the pictures, idk why tho. Still hard to spot the items.
Last edited by RobiHobi#0453 on Dec 16, 2024, 9:48:53 AM
First of all, thank you! This is what I was looking for <3

Just a short question: Is there an option to add augmentations, transmutation, and all shards to it?
RobiHobi#0453 wrote:

Thank you very much for the feedback! I already made an opaque version of the filter for one of my viewers, maybe this is what you would need? Come to my steram and I'll be happy to make an updated version for players like you.

Here's the difernce between my interpertation and the opaque version:

There is. remeber we are cutting those out only in the campaign.|

To remove the hide rule for "Scroll of Wisdom" "Shard" "Orb of Augmentation" "Orb of Transmutation"

You can put "#" at the beggining of the lines 1314-1317 in your file
Deleting them will work just fine

Last edited by ArronEagleheart#4399 on Dec 16, 2024, 10:18:40 AM
Thank you. Very good filterloot

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