Remove the well


It's dumb as hell. It's like that extra little 'something' a dev added to the zone, and some other devs looked at it and were like, "oh, that's cool, what's it do?", and the first dev was like, "restores your potions, HP, and mana!", and instead of anyone just using their brain and saying, "just returning to town does that already," they decided to make the game worse in order to keep the 'cool' well that someone added to town.

The more I play this game, the more I wonder how GGG doesn't have anyone with a functioning brain working at their company on this game. There are so many terrible decisions that got passed through to this stage of the game, many of them core designs. This one isn't, and should be an easy change, but... it really does feel like they tossed around ideas and then whenever they thought one sounded good they implemented it without considering how it would affect gameplay and player psychology, or whether it would add extra and entirely unnecessary steps.

Didn't you hear Jonathan? They got all the little things just right.
When you teleport back to your hideout your flasks and health should just recharge. Making it so that we have to remember to go click our well is nothing more than an inconvenience. It adds absolutely nothing to the experience.

Maybe GGG wants to sell "auto-well" MTX like a goblin throwing a water balloon at you when you enter.

I would bet on MTX for our well for 1.0 at the latest.

I really don´t mind the well even if it adds nothing at all to the game.

They are a relic of a bygone era where your flasks didn't refill by killing monsters, way before EA release, changed after first larger playtest. They don't need to be like removed removed - them being in Ultimatum before bosses makes sense, but in town or at hideout? Just refill my flasks and recharge my charms please 😊

I had really never even though of this until your post ><
I believe needing to refill flasks and stats at the well is intended to be a small penalty to portaling. A lot of the time, portaling trivializes content and in a small way the well makes it annoying to abuse.
When Siphons Flask mod was sucking 10 times the charges, the well was really pissing me off (specifically during the campaign) But now it doesn't bother me. With that said it is a pretty useless thing in the game. It either pisses you off or you don't care and no in between. I really don't think it's adding anything of value to the game.
Make Things For Smile!
+1 any one who whants to keep the well is in denial

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