PS5 Game Performance is just awful and unplayable

Indeed it's very disturbing the sad state the game runs right now cause it seems like i went back to the old days where i was in my PS4 and couldn't run PoE and had to go to PS5 so it could run smoothly somehow. For those who are trying to game let me know which config works the best for y'all and i hope they send word soon or some sort of real feedback like Jonathan did with his world trip for pre launch week.
They answer only in topics where is problem with money grab packs.Its speaks for itself.Honestly, dont understand hype about this wannabe cool dev team.They are worse than Blizzard
No dev response, i just feel like a money pinata
Adding my feedback to the performance woes, number of settings to mess around with is appreciated and quite unprecedented for console but none of them seem to make the game look good. I've not reached mob-heavy areas or late-game so framerate for now is holding up but somehow I just don't like any of the settings - either to soft or too sharp and sliders for that don't change much. This game on PS5, especially Pro, should be BEAUTIFUL and run like a dream but somehow it isn't. I know early access but I also know devs don't particularly prioritise optimisation when (on PC) this lack of optimisation can be solved by more power. Please optimise for console, we can't throw more power!
Similar issues with myself playing an infernalist minion build on base PS5. Most recent patch seems to have dropped the FPS all over the place. Areas like Kopec Temple were always terrible with FPS. Endgame maps, especially Breach, have massive FPS drops regardless of video settings. I'm hoping it's just early days, but seeing that red CPU bar maxed out at all times worries me.

Perhaps I've treated Blizzard too harshly. D4 isn't as fun imo, but it is significantly more stable in almost every respect.
JGaric#3784 wrote:
Similar issues with myself playing an infernalist minion build on base PS5. Most recent patch seems to have dropped the FPS all over the place. Areas like Kopec Temple were always terrible with FPS. Endgame maps, especially Breach, have massive FPS drops regardless of video settings. I'm hoping it's just early days, but seeing that red CPU bar maxed out at all times worries me.

Perhaps I've treated Blizzard too harshly. D4 isn't as fun imo, but it is significantly more stable in almost every respect.

Its kinda trendy to sh on Blizzard.But their communication is way better then this.They are aware of how big market are consoles.
I know its EA and so on but lack of communication of GGG is pathetic.Especially when PC works so smooth.
And with money pumping from Tencent,GGG aint no longer some basement studio
The performance on the PS5 in multi-player is awful. No matter what settings you choose, it drops frames constantly and the game looks like it's running in slow motion. Especially if you play a class with bunch of effects. The game is fun when it works properly, so I hope this eventually gets fixed. I would recommend not to play it on the PS5 but just on the PC for the moment.
Last edited by obasem#5089 on Dec 21, 2024, 6:20:22 PM
I play the most bare bone build with as minimal Particle effects as possible because the PS5 can't handle it. Even Lightning arrow starts to get rough when more than 1 arrow.

Easily the worst performance of an ARPF I have played on PS5, like no contest. Actually kind of disappointed I PAID for a free game to be this poor of quality on console. Not sure how this was missed by QA and test team.

There is something super up with Act 3, Temple of Kopec. Whatever is going on in that place, cant see because The map disappears and lags right out if I explore. I have to crawl along edge of map. Whatever is going on in there, PS5 Does not like it.

Honestly I am done playing. I keep dying in maps because I am trying builds, all builds have big boom moves and particle effects. Game freaks out, and Im dead. I dare not even try Ascending because it freezes and crashes all the time. YAY SO FUN! If the goal was to chase me away for a year, you def succeeded. Im going to try for a refund, because this is just sad. I expected more GGG. I know it is EA, but how was any of this missed...
Globally the performance can have it's bad moments : clipping , loss of framerate and so on .
To be expected from EA ...

But there is obvious flaws in the path-finding code / minion system that needs to be fixed ASAP : the Witch become unplayable when you reach ACT 2 / 3 with framerate lowering from 60+ FPS to just 10 FPS , a lot of skills are impossible to use compared to PC due to targeting doing what it wants where it wants , and cherry on the top people including myself are experiencing map reset each time they leave the zone which makes it close to unplayable !
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Dec 21, 2024, 11:40:54 PM
PLEASE, fix the game on PS5! -.-

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