On act 1/2 the FPS was Like 30 to 60 on maps. In town like 25. Since act 3 where we face more mobs and using more spells the game is sometimes unplayable drops to 10-15 fps. I tried many graphic options, sometimes is better sometimes is worst but never it was enough to be satisfied. We have console so we cannot upgrade ours gear, buy better cpu, graphic card etc. Ggg we need optimalization or in future is unplayable:(.
Posted byMike_Blawers#9996on Dec 19, 2024, 7:07:55 PM
BuMp BUMP Bump BUMP it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy thursday everyone!!! hope us console peeps get optimization before the new year////??? maybe ???
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
Posted byZAGGY_101#9899on Dec 20, 2024, 1:39:32 AM
before the new year no way. im just hoping by the end of early access honestly...
Posted byFelyneFine#9017on Dec 20, 2024, 2:13:50 AM
Leave dynamic resolution on, it will downscale your resolution to attempt to hit the target framerate. Even if you have a 120hz display + VRR (I do), I recommend setting your refresh rate to 60hz. If you set it to 120hz, no matter what maximum resolution you set, it will scale down to the lowest resolution at all times because the game pretty much never hits 120hz. Even in scenarios where the game is CPU limited it will drop the image quality severely. Also the game -will- drop below 60 fps when things get crazy, so in my opinion a drop from 60 to 30 will perceptually feel less severe and more stable than a drop from 90ish fps to 30. At 60hz I do get screen tearing sometimes, which I do not in 120hz. Regardless I think it's a lesser evil in this case.
While NIS probably looks the best, in my testing NIS and FSR seem to suffer heavily when certain spell effects go off. To mitigate that drop, for now I highly recommend playing the game on -bilinear-. While the framerate of bilinear is not that different in static scenarios, it makes a world of difference in actual combat, particularly with certain skills which tank the framerate. Test it for yourself in combat. Take note that if you set your framerate cap to 120hz and put it on bilinear with dynamic scaling, the game will look like complete garbage because it will drop the resolution to PS1 era in its attempt to hit 120 fps.
As the devs say in the tooltip, global illumination has a fixed cost, it doesn't scale with the amount of activity on the screen. Turn it off and leave it on shadows for a bit more performance and stability, turn it on for a prettier image. Regardless of that setting, sometimes the framerate will just drop a lot no matter what you do, but it may give a little bit more headroom on the GPU for more stability. Up to you.
Dynamic culling seems to simplify a lot of attack and spell effects (but not all yet, it looks like), reducing the amount of particles which should save both CPU and GPU power. In some scenarios during heavy action this can really help the framerate, especially if you're playing with multiple people. Particles are pretty though! Experiment with the setting and see what's worth it for you. When it's serious time and I'm taking on a hard boss or doing an ascension trial, I'm definitely turning dynamic culling on.
completely absurd and unacceptable thats what it takes to run the game on current gen console. why even bother playing at that point? GGG should be utterly embarrassed by this console port it would be laughable how amateurish it is if it wasnt so tragic
Posted byFelyneFine#9017on Dec 20, 2024, 2:20:39 AM
I would consider myself quite picky with framerate, so the framerate in some spots is definitely NOT normal or ok. I'm sure the devs are aware and will fix at least some of it in the short term. There are areas where the framerate drops inexplicably, like a little pit area in act 2 (the boss dies and it goes back to normal). Some optimization is definitely needed.
In the meantime, I've experimented a lot using the really detailed ingame metrics to try to get the best settings possible, so here is what I suggest:
Leave dynamic resolution on, it will downscale your resolution to attempt to hit the target framerate. Even if you have a 120hz display + VRR (I do), I recommend setting your refresh rate to 60hz. If you set it to 120hz, no matter what maximum resolution you set, it will scale down to the lowest resolution at all times because the game pretty much never hits 120hz. Even in scenarios where the game is CPU limited it will drop the image quality severely. Also the game -will- drop below 60 fps when things get crazy, so in my opinion a drop from 60 to 30 will perceptually feel less severe and more stable than a drop from 90ish fps to 30. At 60hz I do get screen tearing sometimes, which I do not in 120hz. Regardless I think it's a lesser evil in this case.
While NIS probably looks the best, in my testing NIS and FSR seem to suffer heavily when certain spell effects go off. To mitigate that drop, for now I highly recommend playing the game on -bilinear-. While the framerate of bilinear is not that different in static scenarios, it makes a world of difference in actual combat, particularly with certain skills which tank the framerate. Test it for yourself in combat. Take note that if you set your framerate cap to 120hz and put it on bilinear with dynamic scaling, the game will look like complete garbage because it will drop the resolution to PS1 era in its attempt to hit 120 fps.
As the devs say in the tooltip, global illumination has a fixed cost, it doesn't scale with the amount of activity on the screen. Turn it off and leave it on shadows for a bit more performance and stability, turn it on for a prettier image. Regardless of that setting, sometimes the framerate will just drop a lot no matter what you do, but it may give a little bit more headroom on the GPU for more stability. Up to you.
Dynamic culling seems to simplify a lot of attack and spell effects (but not all yet, it looks like), reducing the amount of particles which should save both CPU and GPU power. In some scenarios during heavy action this can really help the framerate, especially if you're playing with multiple people. Particles are pretty though! Experiment with the setting and see what's worth it for you. When it's serious time and I'm taking on a hard boss or doing an ascension trial, I'm definitely turning dynamic culling on.
That's all there is to do for now as far as the tools we have, the rest is up to the devs. Not saying the situation is good right now, just trying to offer some suggestions that may be helpful for now. The settings are a little bit confusing if you're not tech oriented, and even if you are they need a little bit of testing to understand how they behave and interact with each other. I don't have a ps5 pro so I'm not sure what the best settings are for the pro.
These are indeed the only settings that makes maps remotely playable. Hard to really see what is going on when everything is so blurry at times, but at least the framerate doesn't tank to zero.
Posted bykkoyer#9074on Dec 20, 2024, 2:32:56 AM
Playing melee with a warrior and the fps drops are huge. Its a hard game and even harder playing with a lot of mobs and some bosses.
Posted byNoxstalgic#5771on Dec 20, 2024, 6:25:10 AM
It's a bit disappointing that devs responded to crackling audio topic, where just 4 people wrote, and seems like they don't acknowledge this topic with nearly 100 replies. And crackling audio as it is annoying, it is not nearly gamebreaking as performance issues.
Don't get me wrong, i highly respect devs and i think they've made a wonderful game, which i'm planning to support in long time, but at least reply and some feedback about our issues would be really great, as we, same as PC players spend same amount to buy the game.
Last edited by xpietrov#9637 on Dec 20, 2024, 3:49:00 PM
Posted byxpietrov#9637on Dec 20, 2024, 3:48:26 PM
Realmente é triste, pois para mim o jogo esta muito bom, porem essa queda de FPS no PS5, simplesmente fica impossível jogar, estou com uma Bruxa de Bola de Fogo e Gelo, quando aplico todas as magias, o boneco chega a parar e depois acelerar como um louco, queria muito jogar, mais sem chance, espero que acertem isso, mesmo que diminuam um pouco a parte gráfica das habilidades, esperando um novo Path para resolver, caso contrário, não volto a jogar POE2.
Posted byGnostico_BR#9985on Dec 20, 2024, 7:47:06 PM
Performance issue is a real thing. Running PS5 base, I had to lower my resolution to 50% and it still lags during heavy fighting. Trial is also laggy and also very glitchy with the visuals
My Rates (as of 9/14/2014) are:
1 exalt:1 divine:9 gcp
1 gcp:2 regret:3.5 chaos
1 chaos: 1 scouring: 2 fusing: 2.5 alch
Also, always looking to trade for chromes! 8:1 chaos
Posted byibanezfreak#0384on Dec 20, 2024, 9:38:10 PM
Bump them sweat tunes!!!!!!! Happy Friday everyone!!! hope everyone was good for Santa@!!!!!!! obviously not us console players we were bad so we get no optimization :-( lol....
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
Posted byZAGGY_101#9899on Dec 20, 2024, 10:10:51 PM