0.1.0d Patch Notes

Why did you kill the sorceress? There was one normal build and you killed it. Return everything to how it was. Why do such a radical thing?
Welp. My Cast on Ignite Comet character is completely dead, now. I just got to cruel after doing act 3, and it feels horrible. I really hope they revert this change.
CoF мертв. Мой основной проект, в который я вложил все свое время и ресурсы, — это дорогой кирпич. Его даже нельзя использовать для фарма из ямы, в которую его засунули разработчики, потому что он физически не может очистить мусор, чтобы сделать это. Поэтому мой выбор — начать все заново с нуля с новым персонажем или вообще прекратить играть.
wanted to buy 480$ pack, but not anymore, Co* was killed at was starting to have fun in game again. Time to uninstall and return for new league or full release.
sempuken#7215 wrote:
To those of you that are crying that your build is dead:


You knew trigger spells were broken, you built for it. Your hollow threats about quitting are meaningless. We will see you tomorrow.

Thanks for the changes GGG!

game balance > whiners. Amazing EA so far!

Did you ever stop to consider maybe the real reason everyone was using it was cause
1. It was incredibly FUN!
2. Satisfying gameplay
3. Unique to POE2 and a new ARPG archetype
4. It’s only 5 days in and majority of the player base is new to POE and unable to figure out their own builds so they follow guides. Build diversity over time as things get figured out will drive more diversity
5. Most other supports and skills are shit

Trigger spells were not even that crazy. I have not seen anyone at the top of leaderboards playing a CoF for example. The gem was just pure fun and joy to play with.

What should have happened is reduce damage of supported skills slotted into trigger gems rather then destroy the gem itself and effectively deleting it and destroying everyone’s specs.

Majority of the playerbase is still fighting through the campaign which is slow, tedious and downright a snooze fest with oversized maps and never ending zones. They didn’t even get a chance to have some real fun.
Last edited by JpPoe2#4703 on Dec 12, 2024, 1:47:01 AM
Plz gibe respek for frost sorceress. I cant prok comet any more.
So, we aint nerfing stuff. We are making builds useless now?
It was to my understanding that GGG were excited to see those big awesome builds emerging during early access, for what? Only to make them useless within 2 days?

Most people are still in normal difficulty and the rest at cruel (with a exception of maybe >1% people at endgame level).

How can you literally turn stuff useless already? Cast on- kind of builds are what makes this game really REALLY fkin cool. You trying to be Diablo or what?
Can you fix the god damn server lags. Not enough that you nerf everything, but add some lag to that sh!t as well, jesus f********* christ
Last edited by Roksonix#1182 on Dec 15, 2024, 12:14:29 AM
Atleast buy me a full respec, my CoC Char went from ez clear to i cast nothing onto enemies anymore.

GGG come on like are you for real? You literally deleted a big chunk of the playable characters...

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