0.1.0d Patch Notes

Guys, you really need to make respeccing 5-10x cheaper. You basically brick people characters with some changes and they will simply quit, because it's not possible to respec.
"I accept Nujabes as my Savior."
So you decided to completely remove Cast on X, this is not balance and this is early access but you run it like a Beta, you have no respect for your community.

Is this supposed to be the same developers that created PoE1? Doesn’t seen like. It looks like you are copying Blizzard now. What a shame.
Last edited by Hanami#0044 on Dec 12, 2024, 12:57:46 AM

I do understand the nerf to triggered abilities, and the energy gain still seems to be good enough. But what is this change to Elemental Invocation where you are able to only store 1 or 2 comets with the skill? Either the gem description is totally false or it is bugged out completely due to this update. To me 900 energy and 10 energy per 0.1 cast time would count up to 9 comets stored.

And yes, I'm mad because I just spent 20 exalts to make my own niche build real and few hours later this is bugged out of mind and I have to go back to farm lower tier maps to get something else going.

Absolute incompetence with this patch. Shame.
From 100% to 10%, it's clear this is a change that had 0 testing.

1 minute of testing would have shown how awful the resulting nerf is, by completely killing the mechanic and bricking the build.

But the nerf isn't even the worst part. The worst part is the lack of respect for the player's time/investment by not giving a free respec for a change this big. Very disappointing.

This fixation to nerf anything that is fun to oblivion will only hurt the game
That's bullshit.. Awful how easy it came to brick CoF builds. Curious how many players needs to fully respec their characters now.
Why nerf a synergy just because it is played a lot? It's pointless. There wasn't a very op situation either. When you abandon this mindset, tell them or fire the people responsible. Path of Exile 2 is over for me for now. GG
So whats the over/under on when and how bad gernade builds will get nerfed? Im calling it now Poison Nade folks will be joining us in the broken build convo soon lol
Toss a Chaos to your Leader
OH Red Maps a Plenty
oh Red Maps a Plenty
Toss a Chaos to your Leader
Cast on ignite is bugged now right? I'm getting 1(one) energy for each ignited mob, I shouldn't have to kill multiple packs for it to trigger even once, right?
Honestly, I'm pretty frustrated with the cast on freeze nerf. I'm not even through act 3 and already my character is broken. Respecing is FAR to expensive and to be honest I don't really want to bother rolling another character only for the same shit to happen again.

I sincerely hope you consider making respecing free in EA if the nerfs are going to continue because I can't imagine people sticking around otherwise.
As someone playing COF sorc I completely agree with these changes it was too strong and these changes are for the better. great job GGG loving the game and cant wait to see how the game transforms as we progress further to full release

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